Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

And yet, she did love him. He never once doubted her love.

He let his fingers trail down over her bare arm, down along the curve of her waist, the rise of her hip. Her skin was soft and warm, and as he brushed it, he left a trail of goosebumps in his wake. She sighed softly, snuggling even closer.

They'd come so far since that sticky June evening. Four years of marriage. Two beautiful children. He'd once thought he could want nothing as much as he wished to claim the throne of Asgard; the throne that was his birthright. But now? He knew he already had everything, right there, in the beautiful, tiny blonde Midgardian woman he'd trusted first with his life, then with his love.

"I love you," he whispered, brushing his lips over her shoulder.

"Mmmm..." she murmured back, a smile pulling her lips. "Loki..."

He smiled as he gently nipped the skin he'd just kissed. She shivered and sighed once more as he kissed her again, which made him pull her even closer. She melted against him, her eyelids slowly rising. "What are you doing?" she whispered, her voice thick with sleep.

"Reflecting," he said, giving her a gentle squeeze. "The night before S.H.I.E.L.D. found me, I slid into bed with you and just held you like this."

She gazed at him over her shoulder. "I always thought you did, but you'd never admit to it."

"I couldn't resist." He curved his hand against her belly and swept his fingers lightly upward. "I always felt guilty because I made you cry that night."

She snuggled closer, her hand coming to rest on his wrist, her thumb brushing over the back of his hand. "Well, you've made up for it since then. And you really didn't make me cry, you know. I was more annoyed, really. It sucks when you want to kiss someone and they don't want to kiss you back."

"That's where you're wrong, Midgardian," he replied, giving her a gentle squeeze. "I wanted to kiss you. I wanted you, period. But, I was also still a wanted man, remember."

"Sweetheart," she caught his hand and brought it up to brush her lips against it, "I will never forget that week. Trust me on that one."

"It wasn't all bad."

"No. It wasn't all bad. I got to spend a week at the shore, which is always nice."

He laughed, tightening his arms about her. "Of course. No place quite like the Jersey shore, right, Midgardian?"

She chuckled as she turned in his arms to face him. Her eyes were no longer so heavy-lidded and seemed even more startlingly green. His wife had the most beautiful eyes he'd ever seen and he'd thought so since the first time he saw them.

Right now, those deep green eyes met his and she murmured, "I thought I'd dreamed you sneaking into my bed that night. Especially when I woke up the next morning and you were back on the loveseat."

"I couldn't resist you, darling girl." He brushed her lips with a light kiss, then added, "And I still find doing so impossible."

"So, don't," she murmured, sliding her arms about his waist, her hands pressing flat into his back to pull him into her.

He bent to kiss her, let his lips linger against hers as he carefully eased himself over her. She curved against him, whispering, "Feeling a little frisky this morning, o' God of Mischief?"

"Just a little." He kissed her again. "Are you complaining?"

"Never. I-"

There came a swift rap on the door. "I beg your pardon, my lord?"

This Time Around (Sequel to All Over Again)Where stories live. Discover now