"Okie Dokie," I nod but in my head I'm feeling every emotion passing by in a flash; nervousness, anger, determination. My heart is beating so fast it feels like it's going to jump out of my chest and my stomach is filled with butterflies, and not the good ones. I just need to hide it and do my job.

After all, I'm the one that chose to come dressed like this, so I better own it right now.

I take the plate with chocolate cookies and already prepared coffee from Veronica's hands and thank who is up there that the coffee is already done and that I don't have to stay there longer to do it myself and make it more awkward.

I exit the kitchen and head to the living room. To be honest, I'm excited to see how his girlfriend will react to my look but also how all of them will react to what I'm wearing, especially Mr. Anthony.

I just hope that he'll get angry because I didn't do what he told me to do. He needs to understand that I'm not going to let him treat me like I'm his possession.

Once I enter the doors of the living room I activate my bitch mode and analyze my surroundings. I instantly see Mr. Anthony's body leaning against the black couch, strands of his dark hair falling over his eyes, dressed in his shirt and black dress pants. 

His arms is resting on the back of the couch, behind a woman that reminds me of one of those Brazilian models with gorgeous skin and dark hair. Her lips are covered in dark red lipstick and black eyeshadow is covering her lids while her brown, wavy hair is framing her long face.

Mr. Anthony's brother is dressed in sweatpants and a band t-shirt that's showing his tattooed, muscular arms. He's looking like he doesn't even want to be here, to begin with. None of them are looking at me so they must have not heard me enter. Swaying my hips, I make my way to the coffee table that's in front of the couch, keeping my face expressionless.

Once I'm there I lay the tray down on the glass surface with a bang, bending down to take the plate of cookies and put it in the middle of the table. Doing that I stretch more on purpose, the skirt rising up my thighs.

"Holy Jesus!" I hear a deep voice silently exclaim, it doesn't sound like Mr. Anthony so it must be his brother. I remain silent and continue to do my job, trying not to smirk when I pass by Mr. Anthony and feel the heat radiating off him when I bend down to put the coffee mug in front of him.

"Who's this?" I hear a feminine, high pitched voice ask when I slam the second coffee mug in front of her.

"He's...um...the maid." Mr. Anthony stutters. I stay silent and walk to Alessandro but since I know he's in a happy relationship I remain at a distance from him and respectfully place the mug down, not bending or showing myself this time around.

"How can you even live with this thing walking around?" Alessandro asks and takes a sip out of his coffee. No one answers him because Anthony's girlfriend is quick to interrupt.

"I need more sugar." She complains and I mentally roll my eyes because I have to go back to the kitchen only to grab a few cubes of sugar. I shot her a fake smile and nonchalantly grab the tray from the table and walk out of the room, a little smirk on my face when I realize that the skirt rose too high and that the sway of my hips is only making things worse (for him, obviously).

Once I enter the kitchen Veronica gives me a curious look but I slam the tray down onto the counter and angrily walk to the cabinet to grab more sugar.

"The bitch wants her coffee sweeter." I snap and leave the room, ignoring Veronica's amused gasp behind me.

I reenter the living room and hide the childish anger in my eyes. When I'm in front of her I gently put the small cup of sugar cubes next to her coffee, minding my own business when I hear "Are you a girl?" She asks and I try not to scoff.

"Are you blind? Do I look like I have tits?" I ask with a monotone voice and she gasps, her mouth wide open.

"DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT. You are just the maid!" She shouts and I finally let the bitch expression show on my face.

"The maid, huh? Is that right, sir? Am I just the maid?" I ask and look Mr. Anthony in the eyes with a knowing smirk.

He doesn't answer, instead, I hear his girlfriend's obnoxious voice.

"You shouldn't wear that at work." She states, laying a manicured hand on Mr. Anthony's thigh.

"Just because you can't wear it and look good doesn't mean I shouldn't," I whisper in her face but make sure that everyone hears it. I hear Mr. Anthony's brother trying to hold a laugh back but failing miserably.

"Shut up Alessandro! Babe...do something!" She whines.

"Chill, woman!" Alessandro surrenders, raising his arms up with a playful smirk on his face. "I'm going home." He states and gets up, as he rolls his shoulder his bones crack.

"What do you mean you're going home? You can't leave me alone to deal with this." Mr. Anthony decides to open his mouth for the second time this evening.

"Look, Anthony, because of your maid I'm thinking about Eli. I'm fucking horny. I'm going home. Arrivederci, motherfuckers." Alessandro snaps and with that, he leaves the room and the house too.

I'm left with my boss and his annoying girlfriend so I waste no time and leave the room, feeling eyes on my ass and thighs as I'm walking away. If I had stayed there one more time I would've ripped her hair and fake lashes off.

Anthony wanted to play this game, and he knows that. So, if he insists on playing this game so much then why not make it just a little bit harder for him?


Lucas' new maid outfit is basically the maid's outfit from American Horror Story (when she's young, obviously) and this whole attitude in this chapter and the next ones is also inspired by her.

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