Entry 2

17 2 0
  • Dedicated to Alice Cullen

Dear Diary, today I met my aunt Alice ...............she is AMAZING she is really nice, loves shopping and can see the future.

I am totally wondering how more awesome can my family be.

I love Seth today he brought me to the beach called la push it was awesome and really fun.

P.s don't tell my mom but he brought me cliff diving it was kind of scary but really fun.

I don't want to brag but I feel like I am the luckiest girl in the whole entire WORLD I mean I have a awesome family, Seth, a great house and my own laptop so I feel really lucky.

My twin Renesmee is really awesome to and she has a boyfriend his name is Jacob he imprinted on her she loves him.

I bet you guys think I am stupid and weird but I don't care cause my mom tells me don't let mean people get to me so don't bother me you will just be wasting your time + if you don't think I am weird and stupid THANKS FOR READING!!! love you guys good night got to go to bed.


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