'The wrong choice' OC #2

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Name: Her revealed eye was unfocused as the padded room surrounded her in the cushions. Her red eye was dull. One of the guards inspected his list "Patient name...Vivara Hilsmary.." he tapped the clipboard checking the room number.

Gender: The guard looked through one of the slits in the door. "Gender is confirmed" he checks his clipboard "Patient is a female"

Sexuality: The guard raises an eyebrow before slowly writing a question mark on the question "I don't see why this question matters..." he resumes on.

He looks into the room to confirm the picture. "White hair..red eye..." he checks off characteristics one by one before nodding to himself

" he checks off characteristics one by one before nodding to himself

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He flipped the page to see the personality section. "Hm...erratic behavior, used to be extremely stubborn, mostly stared at the wall...rarely eats food..." he sighed before clicking his pen and move the page over to her story.


She was found repeatedly stabbing someone with a knife although multiple other weapons were found around the murder scene. She was put on trial for murder. The reason behind it has been blacked out, but she has been in this mental ward for the past three years.

Likes: after watching her past responses to different objects the best things that got a happy reaction from her was the cold, rain with out lightening, and cats.

Dislikes: violent lashing out from these stimulus's:
Screaming children, blood, pain, and hurting any cat within her sight line will provoke a violent rage

Strengths: used to be strong willed which roughly stopped a year or two ago, and odd series of event lead to the pain receptors in her arms to be killed

Weakness: Extremely volatile at times, and she herself is her own weakness. Use screaming children test for example

Other: she stopped responding to outside people almost a year ago. Hiring another psychiatrist to take a look at her.

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