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Her mouth wide open and her loose strands twirling around her face, Ella frowned.

The grip on her spoon got tighter as she scowled at a smirking Princess Irene.

She elbowed Ella's arm causing her dress's skirt to get fully drenched in the hot solution.

Control, Ella.

Take it easy. She is not worth it.

Princess Irene took advantage of her occupied state, busy in wiping off the soup soaking her outfit.

She dragged a spoon full of white sauce from the container near her and carved a letter "P" with it on Ella's serving of mashed potatoes.

She pushed back her chair, producing a screeching sound. Her hand patted Ella's shoulder and pointed it to the dish of potatoes lying by her side.

Ella heaved her brows, her head slightly tilting to the puzzling craft on her food.

She stared at Princess Irene in utter confusion.

"P for Peasant." Princess Irene mouthed.

"What?" Ella questioned as her eyes squinted in uncertainty.

"P for peasant!" Princess Irene replied louder, her sudden rise in octave this time caused Louise to whip her head in their direction.

Ella's lids narrowed down into slits, she studied the Princess's frame wobbling from laughter as she folded her arms against her chest.

That's not funny at all.

What was the wisest thing to do in such a situation? Probably ignore her, right?

But if Ella was ever this rational would she even be in this chaos, to begin with?

She didn't blink for several seconds, as she observed Princess Irene and her failed attempt at mockery.

Her hand hovered over the same container of white sauce, yanking a spoon full out herself and drawing an "S" on Princess Irene's steak.

Princess Irene paused, her arms fell by her sides and her eyes assessed Ella's work.

"S? What does that stand for?" She interrogated, her brows knitted together and her hands now placed on her hips.

Ella chuckled.

"Could be a lot of things. Figure out on your own."

Princess Irene banged her fist on the table, the booming resonated across the hall.

"I demand an answer, right now!"

Everyone gathered around the dinner turned their attention to the source of the commotion.

"Calm down Irene, she means..uh..sweet!" Louise rose from her chair and pushed Princess Irene back into hers. A glint of hope appeared in her eyes.

Ella snorted.

Sweet, yes, that's exactly what I mean.

Princess Irene inhaled many deep breathes, her nostrils flared and her fingernails dug in her palm.


Ella's ears perked, her gaze shifted to the owner of the familiar voice.

Prince Emmett.

"Louise is right. Rest assured, maybe she means... special."

𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐈𝐬 𝐌𝐲 𝐎𝐚𝐭𝐡 |Jungkook√Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz