act i

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You felt so small compared to the monstrous size of the auditorium and you could feel it mock you as you stood in the middle of the stage. The light was shining on you and although you weren't playing, you could hear the melody of the piano to your left and you knew who was playing. She was younger, but she had the same hair length as you and her eyes shared the same hue.

Except they they were dull and empty. And right behind her was a woman standing with a ruler in hand. The woman in question would lean over the young girl, observing every move of her fragile fingers as they glided over the keys.

You knew what they looked like. The top of her hands were an angry red and you could feel the burn that they gave off as her anxiety rose by the second.

Then you felt it. That feeling that you became so familiar with began to rise out of you and before you could do anything about it, you heard the sour note. You could hear the young girl's heartbeat through your ears.

Your heartbeat through your ears.

A painful smack resounded through the auditorium and you whimpered when you felt the sting of the ruler connecting to your hand.

"Again," said the woman before proceeding to take her previous position once again.

The lights of the auditorium started to flicker and you rubbed your eyes as they began to burn from the brightness of it.

"(Name)," someone whispered gently into your ear and in that moment your eyes fluttered open as the phone's flashlight made your eyes water. You picked your head up a bit to see both of your roommates dressed in clothes that weren't the pajamas they wore a few hours before going to bed. "Get up, we're going out. Here, put these on." Ara then proceeded to throw you a pair of sweatpants, socks, and a hoodie. You groaned as you grudgingly sat up in your bed and changed into the clothes the older girl gave you.

You were quick and although the socks were the only thing left, Ara urged you to "hurry the fuck up". A small sigh escaped through your lips when you felt the obvious size difference of your socks and you cursed at the blue haired girl under your breath for waking you up in the middle of the night. To the right of her, Yoobin was tying her shoe laces up when she finally looked up at you.

"Y'know Lucky, you don't have to come."

You sent her a small glare once you finished slipping on your slippers (because whoever is up there knows you weren't about to put in the extra effort to find shoes that match) and throwing on a hoodie.

"How many times do I have to say it? Call me–"

"We know, we know. Call you (Name)." Ara interrupted. You stared at her before a small smile graced your features. With a quick pat to her head, you opened to door of your shared room and poked your head out.


With a simple gesture of your hand, the other two were quick to understand and slowly your little trio snuck out into the beautiful expanse of the night.

Your small walk to the convenience store was quiet and you were going to keep it that way when Yoobin cleared her throat.

"Can you believe it? In a few hours from now, we'll be on our way to Web Champion and debut."

Ara looked at Yoobin before suddenly holding both you and her in a headlock, which caused the young girl the to whine out in discomfort. You only chuckled as you knew that this was Ara's way of holding in the tears that you knew wanted to escape. In that moment you decided to keep quiet about hearing her cry to her dad through the phone when your music video dropped a week ago.

Ara released you both before grinning from ear to ear, a sign that she had an idea.

"Last one to the convenience store has to treat the others!" Before you or Yoobin could comprehend what was going on, the blue haired girl zoomed and in a matter of seconds was the size of a tiny bug.

❝serendipity❞ ➳ lost in translation x reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now