Hello New York

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Amy has just landed in New York she's at JFK airport and she's with Ben of course.

Ben- hey want to walk to the apartment together? Or catch a cab we don't have to walk.

Amy- umm sure could we walk though ? I'd rather walk to stretch my legs from that long flight. As well as see New York.

Ben- sure I'd love to would you want to stop somewhere to get a little something to eat ? I never eat the plane food it's always bad.

Amy- (laughing) I agree it's not the best but I usually miss the food because I am asleep.

Ben- I wish I could fall asleep on planes but I never have been able to. So wanna stop here at this little cafe to get some food ?

Amy- sure

Ben- hi table for two please

Employee - right this way

Amy and Ben follow the employee to a cute little table in the corner of the cafe where they have a pretty great view of the street. They are able to see people moving through trying to get where they need to be.

Amy- wow this place is cute I've never been before have you ?

Ben- no I haven't but I agree it is cute (laughing) so I never got you in trouble for lying to everyone that summer classes at Hudson don't start for another four weeks. Why did you lie about that ?

Amy- Thanks for not saying anything... I lied because... I guess I because I wanted an easy way to leave sooner. It sounds horrible I know.. but I didn't want to hurt anyone and look where I am now. In the process I still hurt Ricky and John. Probably my parents too and Rickys parents. I let everyone down and for what ? To follow my dreams ? Damn I hate myself for being this selfish.

Ben- don't say that.

Amy- say what ?
Ben- that you hate yourself and that your selfish. One don't hate yourself and two it's okay to be selfish. This is the time of your life to be selfish because it's your future and your life not anyone else's. You should be able to go to college and get an education just like Ricky is. So what if it's not in California? Your going away to give your son a better future.
Amy- I know it's my life but I hate disappointing everyone especially Ricky. He gave so much up for me and what do I do for him ? I leave him to raise John alone. Mother of the year.

Ben- okay I'm not sure what else to say about this but your making it worse but thinking about it. Let's drop our stuff off at the apartment and let's go out tonight.

Amy- Ben... I don't know...

Ben- Oh no I didn't mean let's go on a date I meant let's go out just as friends to a club or something.

Amy- uh I don't Know... I'd rather go start unpacking some of the boxes and getting things set up. I'm not really in a good mood.

Ben- come on Amy this is the perfect time to go out! This will cheer you up trust me !

Amy- ughh fine I'll go...

Ben and Amy make it to their new home for the next four years and they get ready to go out for the night.

Amy- does this look okay to wear out ?
Ben- yes you look great trust me everyone is going to be all over you.

Amy- Ben I'm not looking to date yet.

Ben- who said anything about dating ? I don't think you should date I think you should hook up with someone.

Amy- No I'm not ready yet I just broke up with Ricky I'm not looking for sex or really anything to do with men. At least not for awhile. I just want to focus on school.

Ben- Oh no your definitely going to want to hook up with someone sooner or later.

Amy- what makes you say that ?

Ben- you just got out of a relationship with a guy you used to have sex with a lot I'm not exactly sure how much but it's probably a lot.

Amy- mostly every night but so what that doesn't mean I'm gonna miss sex.

Ben- yes you are very much gonna miss sex trust me. but okay done with men for now ? What about some female action? That might be fun

Amy- what ? No Ben I'm not looking for any relationship right now not even sex. So please let it go.

Ben- okay fine let's go then

Amy and Ben arrive at the club and they are waiting in line to enter.

Amy- Wait a second... Ben ? This is a 21 and over club not 18 and over. We won't be able to get in.

Ben- yes we will.

Amy- How ????

Ben- With these I got them made a few months ago.
(Ben pulls out two ID's)

Amy- Where did you get those? and why ?

Ben- relax I got them from a friend of Dylan's and I got them because I wanted to be able to have some fun here... with you.

Amy- Ben I'm not interested in drinking I don't need it please just shred it later.

Ben- no.

Amy- no ? Ben I'm serious!

Ben- and so am I, just come have a fun night if you don't want it after tonight I'll shred it. Deal ?

Amy- ugh fine deal (shakes Ben's hand)

Ben and Amy finally make it into the club and luckily their ID's checked out....

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