Detention story time

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Hey Mr.Stabby
Guess what?

Hello child. What do you have to say?

I got detention today and we were made to watch funny videos about 'behavior' and 'discipline' and it was from Captain America, it was hard not to laugh.

Loki was sitting in the middle of the compound when he read this message and burst out laughing. The rest of the avengers looked at him but he waved them off. He figured he would use this information to his advantage and embarrass the old man later.

"What are you laughing at, reindeer games?" Tony asked with the usual amount of sass in his voice.

"That's none of your concern, tin can" Loki replied, breathless from catching his laughing fit.

The avengers thought it was extremely suspicious but decided not to do anything yet. Some noticed that since he has been on his phone the past few days, he has been laughing and smiling more, and although they strongly dislike Loki, they are somewhat glad to see him smile for the first time since he moved into the compound with his brother Thor. Thor was just happy to have his brother with him instead of leaving him behind on asgard.

That is funny, I will show those videos to my colleges later. They will find much amusement in them.
Why did you have detention, young arachnid?

Peter thought about whether he should tell the truth about flash or lie about it. It's not his fault that flash charged at him, and manage to run face first into the lockers behind him after he side stepped. His broken nose is his fault. The teachers didn't believe him, of course. I mean, if he had as much money as flash does, the school would believe anything he says just to get his pocket change. However he doesn't have money, and that's just how unfair life is. He decided to tell the truth. I mean, he needs someone to believe him.

Theres this guy... at my school, he likes to bully people... specifically me.
Well, when he charged at me at lunch today, I instinctively moved to the side... and he may or may not have ran face first into the lockers... and broke his nose.
But it wasn't my fault! I promise!

And that got you into trouble? He deserves it! Stupid mortal!

Well, you see... his family have a lot of money, and they give large donations to the school. They dont want to argue with them because they want money. It's not fair, I know, but life is like that sometimes.

Loki felt himself get angry at this foolish mortal for hurting his arachnid. If he ever met this person he knew for a fact he would stab him until he was in as much pain as he had put his arachnid in. But for the time being, he just has to stay calm.

Would you like me to find this mortal and stab him? It would give me much satisfaction to see him in pain for what he's done to my arachnid.

Peters heart skipped a beat. He re-read the message that Mr.Stabby had sent him, and just like before, he saw it. Clear as day. He called him 'his arachnid.' His. What does this mean? He tells himself he is obviously is overthinking this.

At the same time, Loki is still in shock. He just called this mortal his arachnid. What was that supposed to mean? He has never felt this way before, and he hasn't ever met the young arachnid so why does he feel so strongly about him? This child has managed to find his way into the mans cold heart... and it TERRIFIES him.

Thanks Mr.Stabby, but it's alright. Please don't stab him, I'd rather he pick on me than someone else, I can take it dont worry.
I have to go, my aunt is calling me for dinner.

Ok, goodbye young arachnid. Talk soon.

Peter feels a large wave of courage and does something that he would most likely regret later on.

By the way, my name is Peter. Peter Parker.

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