Chapter 2

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Yelena's PoV
       It's been a few years since New York had been attacked by the Chitauri. I had been trained in the assassins ways while being with the members of The Light. Their leader as it turns out is Ming, she was the one to unite us all, also there are thirty of us total, each from a different country. I walked out to go on my first mission which was with Aranya, who is from Bangkok. She was one of the more neutral of the group about politics. "You are quite a boring existence, you know that?" She said bluntly I sigh and get aboard.

This is going to be great. We flew off to Washington DC. We heard that hydra was going to use a very dangerous weapon that's being created by shield so we are going to react swiftly and destroy the weapon before they use it on civilian populations. "You're not going to talk to me? How pathetic." "Sorry I'm just addressing something to the viewers." "I see you're just like me, aware of other people who are watching us for entertainment. I thought I was going crazy so you aren't a boring existence after all."

(I don't know how they managed to break the forth wall but they did it with such precision that I was completely unaware.) anyways thank you for giving it back to me, narrator! The jet had landed now so me and Aranya had left the jet immediately and ran towards the triskelion, turning invisible while going inside. We began to run off to the spot they are supposed to be at but immediately we notice that they are taking off.

"Shit, we're supposed be on those!" Aranya shouted as she jumped out the window and towards one of the flying carriers I followed her down but went on a separate flying carrier. I ran deep into the helicarrier, I think that's what it's called. I got to the spot that I needed to which was where the chips are at and no not the food but the technology. I opened it and removed a chip on the left then placed my chip in.

"Я его обезопасил! (I've secured it!)" I shouted as the doors flew open behind me "keep it down will you?" Aranya whispered I whispered, "sorry, I just got excited." I look behind me and saw the Winter Soldier, I had an encounter with him but he ignored me because I wasn't anything useful to him. I know that I'm most likely one of his missions he has yet to start on. He guarded the chips and then Captain America appeared again.

I watch him as he begins to call the Winter Soldier, 'Bucky' asking him to remember him. "I'm your best friend." "And you're my mission." I seen a look of worry over Captain America's face. They began fighting but Captain America wasn't punching him at all, he was trying to subdue 'Bucky' once the fighting got serious I reappeared and began helping pull off the Winter Soldier. "Ты думаешь на кого ты нападаешь так?!?! (Who do you think you are attacking him like that?!?!)" I shouted.

He looked at me in a bit of shock then he returned many of the blows I had on him. I charged at him with ice forming around my hands and punched him constantly then I stopped, spitting out some blood. "You are one special person." Captain said I fell to the ground and muttered out loud, "kurwa, dlaczego moja bratnia dusza musiała się pojawić? (Fuck, why did my soulmate have to appear now?)" then I responded with, "yea I know I get that a lot from other people I mean the same can be said about you, you managed to go into a hydra base, and come out with what seems like thousands of soldiers."

He looked shocked like Bucky was when I spoke to him. "Is there something wrong?" I ask he shook as if something was seriously wrong. "Captain, are you alright?" I ask he stopped and said, "y-yea I mean it's incredible to meet someone like you, I mean I've never met an enhanced before, could you perhaps join us Avengers." "Unfortunately no, because I have my own group of heroes we call ourselves the Light I'm Ethereal Crystal by the way." I said as we begin falling to the ground, I knew it was no good so I said, "I really got to get going now I don't want my comrade to be waiting for me."

I jumped out and quickly flew to a nearby safe spot then I ran off to the jet. By the time I got there Aranya was waiting patiently. "Sorry to keep you waiting comrade." "No it's fine, I figured as much that we wouldn't make it at the same time, you know I'm psychic." "I forgot about that tidbit of information I was given about you." "It's alright, the group forgets that because I'm usually rude."

We went in and got back to our base.

Bucky's POV
I have no idea why but I feel the need to find that woman. No matter what it takes. She's somebody who I felt like I've met before. She most likely didn't remember me like I don't remember her. I walked away from who I think is called Steve and towards a nearby store, stealing a few black hoodies quickly putting one on and running out the store. That woman Ethereal Crystal is important after all she was my mission.

Hydra told me that she was important to capture and bring back. I need to find her before she ends up in their hands or goes against me again. I walked towards the bank and took some money out of a hydra bank account. I walked towards the airport, it was going to take awhile so I could begin to collect my thoughts. There was an image of a woman with a black Russian fur hat (he doesn't know that it's called a ushanka) that had a single red star, she wore a black war outfit, and she had a sniper rifle on her back.

Who is that? Why do I feel like it's her, Ethereal Crystal. There was a name on her outfit, it read Smirnoff-Morozov. Is that her name? Her real name? A memory of her appeared this time she was laying unconscious in my arms with smile on her face like she was going to die but was happy to at least see me. Then she said, "кто по их мнению так на тебя напал? (Who did they think they were attacking you like that?)" she looked like she was coughing up blood. "I will always protect you, Smirnoff-Morozov. No matter what it takes." Is what I heard come from my voice in the memory.

"I will be with you til the day we die, alright Winter?" "It's fine but you're severely injured there's a chance that you won't be able to make it!" "It's fine, I'll make it. Like I always do." The memory ended there with her sweet smile. That's why I felt shocked when she shouted in Russian. I got to the airport and immediately walked inside to go to Moscow.

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