Blinking stars go blind

Start from the beginning

Rachel laughed, unable to help but feel something akin to spite, the taste of irony rich in her mouth. The last time she saw Finn and his band perform, he was still with her. She passed, mentioning that she was too busy filming to go to pubs. She noted Finn's disappointment, and apologized. Perhaps after filming, she assured him.

Soon, Matthew got up and told them that he was going to bring the boxes down to take to the car. Finn nodded, watching him climb up the steps. "I'm over it, you know." Rachel said. "I'm over us. I'm not the same girl back in high school who would go through hell and high water to get you back. I've matured, Finn."

He smiled his handsome, boyish grin. "I know, Rach. I'm not even going to mention something like that. I just want you to forgive me. Matthew's amazing for me." He helped her with the dishes and leaned against the countertop. "He makes me feel things I'm not even sure actually exist. You know? Did you ever have that?"

Rachel glanced at the door that led to her office. She swallowed hard and nodded. "I have, actually."

"Oh, good." Finn squeezed Rachel's shoulder tenderly and kissed her cheek. "Hold on to that guy, okay? Or girl, if you're into that too. Since, y'know. After what happened to me." He flushed pink and winked. With a final hug, he met Matthew by the foot of the stairs and helped him with the few boxes that held his clothes and other memorabilia.

Rachel watched them drive away. Once they turned right at the stop light, she slammed the door shut, locked it, and unlocked the door as she strode into her office. There she found Quinn, a book propped open on her lap. The blonde smiled and closed the book—Barbra Streisand's biography—and placed it on the nearby table. "Shall I ask what happened?"

Shaking her head, Rachel kicked the door shut behind her. She ripped open her blouse, kicked off her panties and sauntered over to Quinn, whose hazel eyes were locked with hers. Her hands immediately went around Rachel's waist once she straddled her lap. It was her. It was Quinn who showed her emotions that have yet to be labelled by humanity. Rachel grasped the back of the blonde's neck and she sighed. All she was to Quinn was a customer.

But there was something in Quinn's eyes. A flicker. A light at the end of the tunnel of her doubts. Rachel cupped Quinn's jaw and suckled her bottom lip. This was a taste she could live with for the rest of her life. A warm body she could see herself waking up next to, for the next eighty years. An emotion she had yet to name.

She pulled back and took a deep breath. She was getting ahead of herself, and she knew that it was one of her faults. She always flew too far ahead, thought about the future way too soon. She shook her head, shuddered at Quinn's mouth against her neck, and took the escort's hands in hers to make her cup her breasts, warm and flush in her palms. Quinn looked as if she was about to speak, but Rachel's finger against her lips made her close her mouth.

Rachel reached back to grip Quinn's cock through her chinos. Quinn was already erect, and again, Rachel felt as if she was the most desirable woman in the planet if she could give Quinn such an erection. With help from the escort, she took her cock out and sank on her thick length. She was full again.

Her hips rolling, Rachel rode Quinn slowly. She relished her thickness, the pulsing heat of her cock, and the depth she could reach. Rachel listened to the heaviness of Quinn's breath, the way it tickled the base of her throat. "I think," Rachel began, her voice thick with arousal. "I need that six-month contract." She humped Quinn faster, her pussy slick with girl cum as it slicked up the prostitute's girth.

"I'm sure I-I can come up with something." Quinn wheezed, her hands gripping Rachel's ass tightly. She licked the base of Rachel's throat, her hips rising off the couch. Quinn tightened her arms around the actress' body and lifted her up. She kicked off her trousers and carried her to the nearest wall. Pressing her against it, Quinn met Rachel's mouth for a kiss, her cock slamming into her pussy, slick noises filling their ears.

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