I stand up placing the book in between my arms. A yellow note falls out and onto the floor. I gently place my sketch book onto the floor and crawl over to the note. It has a red sealing wax thingy on the front. I open it with extreme caution. In beautiful calligraphy, the note says...

Dear Kathrine,

You're not ment for the Maze trial experiment. A friend of mine asked me to put you here for...safe keeping. If you get in the way of the experiment, we will not hesitate to harm you. Keep this in mind.


"Well, that's nice to know," I mutter. I fold up the note neatly and place it on the bottom of ths box so no one sees. If Alby found out...god I would be having dinner with the grievers. Ugly little buggers.

I climb up to the tallest point in the tree, sketch book in hand. Words floating and distracting me from what I'm drawing.

We will not hesitate to harm.

Harm I'm guessing means kill...just a guess...so...that's bad. I have options...

1.) Continue to be a normal Glader

2.)Disappear into the Maze then come back and hide in trees

3.) 'die' and live in trees

Personally, I like the first. I look down from what I'm drawing after I made my decision...I almost drop from the tree from shock.

It's a picture of a girl...kissing...NEWT? What-wh-wh-wh- What the. I stare at it for what seems like hours (more likely two minutes.) Mouth open, eyes bludging, and weirded out. It's an exact replica of Newt. But who's the girl. Who is she?

Eventually I move on. And draw the gladers. Starting with Chuck, then Minho, then Newt, then Alby, then Moutain Brows/potato nose (who is actually named Gally,) and everyone else.

Then trees. The trees all around me.

I must've dosed off because next thing I know someone is chucking things at me.

"Greenie, wake up," I hear someone yell. I feel a rock hit my leg.

"No," I mumble.

"The shucking girl won't wake up," I hear the same person say.

"Ren!" I hear Newt yell. Without opening my eyes I grab a pinecone from the right side and drop it towards the voices.

"Ow!" I hear Minho yell, "How high up is she?"

"Come on, down," I hear Newt.

"I don't wanna," I whine.

"Are you stuck," Minho says chuckling.

"I am most certainly am not," I reply.

"Need help greenie," Minho says.

"Move, I'll prove it," I hear the crunch of leaves and the floor. Here goes nothing. I drop my sketch book and jump after it.

"WEEEEEEEEEEEE," I yell falling through the trees. I land with a loud thud. I fall onto my butt after trying to stand. But I jump up dusting myself off. I look up to see two gobsmacked boys.

"Are you crazy?!" Newt says. I hold up my pointer and thumb to show a small space between both. I grab my book and pencil.

"You called me from my nap," I say.

"Your girlfriend is insane," Minho mutters.

"He's not my boyfriend!"

"She's not my girlfriend!" Newt yells at the same time. Minho rolls his eyes and mutters something about being blind. And starts walking away.

"Where are you taking me again," I ask.

"To eat," Chuck says.

"Where'd you come from," I ask. I look around everywhere.

"I was here the whole time," he says. I shake it off (A/N you just started singing Shake it off...DON'T LIE.)

I take a seat next to Newt (on my left)and Minho is on Newt's left. Chuck is on the other side of the table. I move my mash potatoes around while focusing on drawing my apple. I take another bite when I feel eyes on me. I drop my spoon to look up at all three boys staring at me.

"Can I help you."

"Did you draw that," Chuck asks. I roll my eyes.

"No, this," referring to my pencil, "Is a magic wand and I'm practicing turning apples into drawings." I roll my eyes.

"Thinking off it where did you get that book," Newt asks. I shut the book with the pencil marking the page and locking it (yes, locking, it has a lock no duh.) Clearly not able to finish my drawing.

"In the box," I answer taking a mouthful of potatoes.

"What else did you get," Newt asks trying to sneek my art book away. I slap his grimy hand away with the end of my spoon.

"Hair junk and shucking lady crap," I answer.

"What does she mean by lady crap," Chuck asks.

"Lady crap is something Chuck doesn't have to learn," I look at him dead serious. I look over at the other boys that seem utterly confused. I roll my eyes and whisper it in Newt's ear to tell Minho the same thing.

"Oh," Newt says, "Oh."

"Ya get it ya shank," I reply going back to my food. I open my book and continue drawing. I remember the drawing of Newt.

I look up and I randomly blurt out, "What do I look like."

"Like a girl," Minho says. I take a deep breath through the nose so I don't drop kick his ass out into the maze.

"Well," Newt starts," You have curly shoulder length brown curly hair with a mysterious red curl, brown hazel eyes, and a small scar under your right eye." I nod and immediately open the book to that page.

I...look...like the girl. But but but how. I can't be- I don't even like Newt that way. I MET THE SHUCKING SHUCK FACE A DAY OR TWO AGO! I-

My thoughts are interrupted by mash potatoes somehow magically landing on the left side of my face. My mouth opens a little in shock. I wipe it off and look at my hand. My head looks at the two boys on my left. Newt's (who I guess ducked) head is aligned with the top of the table back bent. Minho has a spoon in his hand in my direction. Eyes wide in terror. Chuck who's trying not to laugh.

"Minho...run," Newt mouths to Minho.

Without a second more he gets up and bolts out the door. I jump over the bench and runs Minho's 'trail'. I run as fast as I can and tackle him to the floor. I take the extra mash potatoes in my hand and wipe it on his face.

I jump up and dust off the invisible dust on my hands. I spin around and walk back to the table. My hands push open the doors to see Chuck and Newt trying to unlock my sketch book.


Hit 500... you guys are awesome! OMG GAH YOU MAKE MY DAY!

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