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Present time~

Josh's pov

Today was it. It was the day I get to see my little sister after SIX YEARS! I hope she's okay anddd hopefully she isn't a psycho maniac anymore.

I walked into my car and started in the direction of the airport. A few minutes go by and I arrive at the airport. I parked the car and walked inside. I went over to the waiting area where she would come out from the flight. I stood there for a few minutes just waiting, and going on my phone. And finally after half an hour I see the face of my little sister, although she's way taller and uglier than I remember. I'm just kidding. She came around the corner and I guess she saw me cause her eyes went wide and she ran to me giving me the biggest hug in the world. We pulled apart only to see her practically crying her eyeballs out. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"God it's been forever and you're still ugly" I said jokingly.
"WOW! we haven't seen each other in 6 years and the first thing you do is call me ugly?!?!" She exclaimed sarcastically. And we both just laughed. I helped her carry her bags as we walked to the car.

During the car ride home, we were just talking and catching up with eachother. And finally we arrived home.

Y/n's pov

Me and Josh were talking when I turned to the side only to see the house of my childhood. I couldn't be happier to be home. I just stared at the house before Josh interrupted "hey...you good?" I looked at him and took a moment before I answered "yea...I'm just so happy to be home" I said and sighed. We smiled at eachother for second "that was sO cheesy" he said breaking the silence causing the both of us to erupt into laughter.

We got out of the car and grabbed my bags before walking into the house. As I walked in, I couldn't help but notice how much nothing has changed since six years ago. I felt a wave of nostalgia move through my veins as I dropped my bags in the living room. And finally I was greeted by my parents. My mom came and saw me and just let out a breath that she seemed to have been holding for six years. She engulfed me in a big hug before just looking at me. "Look at you..." She started "hi mom." I said happy to see her after all those years. "Oh.." she said bringing me into another hug. "Hey honey have you seen my-" I heard a familiar voice say. It was my dad. "Oh my-" he said as he looked at me. "Hi dad" I said laughing at his expression. "Y/n..." He said as he walked over and gave me a big big hug. "Hey uhhh don't mean to interrupt but uhhh these bags aren't gonna carry themselves to your room yaknow" Josh said interrupting the moment, causing us to laugh.

Within a few hours, I finished unpacking and redecorating my bedroom. And it was time for dinner.

Over dinner we just chatted and asked questions here and there like
"How was Australia" "what kinda torture did you go through to make you nice" that was obviously Josh's question. And we just talked and finally it felt like my life was good again.

After we cleaned up for dinner, I got pretty tired and I decided to hit the hay.

~time skip to a week later~

I woke up this morning and got ready for the day. Putting on a pair of jeans and layered a white long sleeve under my 'no doubt' band tee. I brushed my hair and went downstairs for breakfast. I grabbed myself a bowl and some cereal and milk. I poured in the cereal then the milk (obviously cause I'm not a weirdo) and I started to eat. I heard footsteps going down the stairs and looked up to be greeted by Josh. "morning ugly" he said. "Josh." I replied rolling my eyes. He poured himself a bowl of cereal and began eating it. "Oh!" He exclaimed nearly spilling the milk out of the bowl. "A friend of mine is coming over today, his name's Finn. He's your age I want you to meet him" he finished. "Ah! Isn't he that actor?" I ask "mhm" he replied and I just nodded "oki"
I finished up my breakfast and out the bowl in the sink and made my way back upstairs to my room and just layed there on my phone.

OooooO Finn is coming in the next part 😌💅✨ be excited heheurjdi. Also is this story even interesting?? Idk.

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