𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗: 𝖋𝖚𝖏𝖎𝖓𝖔𝖚𝖈𝖍𝖎

293 20 11

4 months ago...

A black SUV parked right outside the Fujinouchi castle. The occupant looked foreign and seemed to be in a hurry as he, along with a few others, made their way inside with the assistance of a few guards of the castle. The man stopped and bowed along with his group as he met the Emperor of Fujinouchi himself, Nakamoto Yuta. Dressed in the traditional Emperor attire, the sokutai, the male bowed back and motioned towards a room at the right. All of them went in sat down. The decor within the walls of the castle was a mixed between modern and traditional japanese aesthetic. It was more than pleasing to the eyes.

"I am here on behalf of the King of Therondia, His Imperial Majesty." The man uttered politely in pure japanese, bowing in respect to the man in front of him. Yuta bowed as well and smiled warmly at his guests before offering them a drink.

"I do hope His Majesty is doing well. I was quite upset when he said he couldn't make it." Yuta pouted, almost childishly before adding, "I would've love to meet him and possibly meet his beautiful daughter again. Oh, she was a sight for sore eyes. Do you think she's available?"

The men in the room blinked at the Emperor's words and chuckled, awkwardly. Yuta's second hand, Adachi Yuto, cleared his throat. He felt second hand embarrassment for the young Emperor's behaviour, especially in front of other people.

"We should uhhh...get right back on the purpose of their visit, Emperor." Yuto timidly said.

"Hai! Hai! You're no fun, Yuto-kun." The Emperor reached over and ruffled his second hand's raven coloured hair before turning to the gentlemen.

"Do send my condolences to the King. I know I can't really do much but I do hope my recommendation does help reassure him." Yuta added with sympathy laced in his voice.

"I will, Emperor. We give our thanks for your help. Unfortunately, the incident has caused such paranoia for the King that he didn't want to risk hiring someone outside the castle to watch over his son. Not until the people responsible for his council's death are caught."  The man pushed his glasses up as he explained.

Yuta looked over at the raven haired male beside him with a charming smile. "Yuto-kun, can you go fetch him?"

The male got up and bowed at the young Emperor and politely excused himself as he left the room. Yuta leaned back on his seat. "What of the young Princess? Does she have someone to protect her? I could send the King another person if he needed."

"The Princess is in capable hands. From what I'm aware of, he's truly a skilled person. Maybe the best in Therondia. Prince Hanbin is very skilled in combat so the King trusts him on his own." The man replied to which Yuta nodded.

Before Yuta could utter a word, Yuto had come back with a blonde-haired boy with cuffs securing his wrists. His eyes were distant and cold. The group of men almost quivered in fear at the sight, knowing whom he was. The young Emperor, however, seemed unfazed of the presence that arrived in the room as he smiled at blonde male.

"Haruto-kun, how was your rest?" Yuta asked in a seemingly cheery tone.

"Go to hell, Imperial Asshole." The blonde grumbled with a deep voice. The men in the room, except Yuto and the young Emperor, seemed alarmed at the reply of the blonde.

Yuta laughed, genuinely as the nickname didn't bother him at all. He wasn't like the typical Emperors that would kill anyone who dared disrespect him. He was very playful and knew better than to let words get to him. After all, he was the free man between the both of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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