Rick nods and leaves

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Rick nods and leaves. Cell Block C Rick's group give the prisoners some weapons to fight walker. Thomas: (showing one of the weapons) Why do I need this, when I've got this (showing a gun) ?

Axel: Whoa, whoa, whoa, maybe let's try to make this work out so everybody wins! Thomas: I don't see that happening. Rick: Neither do I. Thomas: I ain't coming back into that cafeteria for one minute. Axel: There are other cell blocks. Daryl: You could leave. Try your luck out on the road. Thomas: If these three pussies can do all this, the least we can do is take out another cell block. Big Tiny: With what? Thomas: Atlanta here will spot us some real weapons. Won't you boss? Rick: How stocked is that cafeteria? Must have plenty of food, five guys lasting almost a year? Daryl: It sure as hell don't look like anybody's been starving. Thomas: There's only a little left. Rick: We'll take half. In exchange, we'll help clear out a cell block. Andrew: Didn't you hear him? There's only a little left! Rick: Bet you've got more food than you've got choices. You pay, we'll play. We'll clear out a block for you, then you keep to it. Thomas: Alright. Rick: Well, let's be clear. If we see you out here, anywhere near our people, if I so much as even catch a whiff of your scent, I will kill you. Thomas: Deal. In one of the cells Lori and Carol are still trying to save Hershel, but the bleeding continues. Lori: It has to stop eventually right? It slowed down quite a bit already. Carol: If we can get him through this... Lori: When we get him through this. Carol: We'll need crutches. Lori: Right now, we could use some antibiotics. Pain killers, some sterile gauze. There's gotta be an infirmary here. Carol: If there's one, we'll find it. You gotta be worried sick about delivering the baby. Lori: Look at me. I look worried? Carol: You look disgusting. They laugh. Lori: So do you. (she looks at Hershel) We'll get through this.

Now -

Daryl: You don't fire guns. Not unless your back's up against the wall. Noise attracts them, really riles them up. Rick: We'll go in two by two. Daryl will run point with T, I'll bring up the rear with you (showing Andrew). Stay tight, hold formation, no matter how close the walkers get. Anyone breaks ranks, we could all go down, anyone runs off, they could get mistaken for a walker, end up with an axe to the head. Daryl: And that's where you aim. These things only go down with a head shot. Thomas: Ain't gotta tell us how to take out a man. T-Dog: They ain't men. They're something else. Rick: Just remember, go for the brain. In one of the cells Glenn handcuffs Hershel to the bed, when Maggie arrives. Maggie: What's going on? Glenn: We had to. Carol: It's just for precaution. Maggie: You think maybe I could have a minute alone here? Glenn: Yeah, do you want me to... Maggie: No, just... by myself. Carol: Of course. Glenn: I'll be right outside. Carol and Glenn leave, Maggie sits down on Hershel's bed, holds his hand, with tears in her eyes. Maggie: Dad? You don't have to fight anymore. (she starts crying) If you're worried about me and Beth, don't. Don't worry about us. We'll take care of each other, we'll look out, me, Beth and Glenn we'll look out. Go ahead, dad, it's okay. Be peaceful. You don't have to fight! If it's time to go, it's okay. I just want to thank you. For everything, thank you. She kisses him on the cheek, and puts her head on his chest. Corridors in the prison The prisoners and Rick's group are trying to clear out another cell block for the prisoners to live in. They're walking slowly, in order to see if walkers arrive. Big Tiny: Man, it's too damn dark in here! Daryl: Gotta hold it up high out in front of you. You're gonna hear 'em before you see 'em. Axel: It's coming! Daryl: Shhh! Two walkers arrive. Before Daryl, Rick and T-Dog can do anything, the prisoners run towards the walkers, screaming, and start to attack them by aiming somewhere else than in the head. Axel: You wanna taste me? Axel stabs the walker in its stomach. Rick, Daryl and T-Dog look at the prisoners failing to kill the walkers. In one of the cells Glenn holds the watch that Hershel gave him in his hand, while looking at Hershel, unconscious. Everyone is in the cell, waiting for Hershel to open his eyes. Carl arrives with a bag. Glenn: Thought you were organizing the food. Carl: (smiling) Even better! Check it out! Carl drops the bag, Carol and Lori open it, it's full of medical supplies. Lori: Where did you get this? Carl: Found the infirmary. Wasn't much left, but I cleared it out! Carol and Maggie put new bandages on Hershel's leg. Lori: You went by yourself? Carl: Yeah. Lori and Maggie look at him, they are shocked. Lori: Are you crazy? Carl: No big deal, I killed two walkers! Lori: Alright, (showing Hershel) do you see this? This was with the whole group! Carl: We needed supplies, so I got them! Lori: I appreciate that, but... Carl: Then get off my back! Beth: Carl! She's your mother, you can't talk to her like that! Lori: Listen, I think it's great that you want to help but... Carl leaves the cell running. Corridors in the prison Daryl: It's gotta be the brain! (he shoots an arrow into a walker's head) Not the stomach, not the heart, the brain! Another walker arrives. Axel: I hear you, the brain. Oscar stabs the walker in the head, but others arrive. Oscar: Like that? Daryl: Uh-uh. Axel and Rick kill two walkers. Rick: Stay in tight formation, no more prison riot crap! There begins to be a lot of walkers, everyone fights, except Big Tiny, who's afraid, and goes behind the wall to hide. But walkers start coming towards him. Rick stabs one of them, and the other one bites Big Tiny before getting shot by Thomas. Rick sees that Big Tiny was bitten. In one of the cells Carol puts new bandages on Hershel's wound. Carol: These bandages will help prevent infection. Glenn: That's good. It's good that he taught you all these stuff. Carol: He didn't teach me everything. (to Glenn) I need your help with something. Glenn: Now? Carol: Yeah, now. Glenn: What is it? Carol: Not here. Glenn: I can't leave Hershel. Carol: This is important. Glenn: Carol, I can't. Lori: Go on, we got it. Glenn: No way. Beth: We'll be fine. Carol: We're not gonna be gone long. Glenn: Rick said for me... Maggie: We're fine. Glenn: ...Alright. Glenn leaves reluctantly with Carol. Corridors in the prison Rick looks at Big Tiny's shoulder which was bitten. Big Tiny: I'm telling you! I don't feel anything, it's just a scratch! Rick: I'm sorry man... Big Tiny: I can keep fighting! Andrew: You cut that old guy's leg off to save his life! Rick: Look at where the bite is! Big Tiny: Guys, I'm fine! Just... I'm fine. Look, look at me, I'm not changing into one of those things. Oscar: Look, man, there's gotta be something we can do, we could just lock him up! Axel: Quarantine him! Andrew: We gotta do something! Why are you just standing there, we gotta save him! Rick: There's nothing we can do. Andrew: You son of a bitch! Big Tiny: I'm al... Thomas stabs Big Tiny in the head, and continues stabbing him with a hammer. His face is full of blood, and he walks away. In the prison's yard Carol and Glenn are behind the fence, the walkers start coming towards it. Carol shows Glenn a female walker. Carol: That one. Glenn: Everything you're saying is completely sane, you wanting to use a walker for practice is a sane thing, I mean it. Okay? I'm just, trying to wrap my mind around it. Carol: Lori's overdue. She had Carl by C-section, she's probably gonna have to have this one the same way. Hershel had a little bit of experience with this kind of things, but he's not gonna be able to do it anymore. I need experience! And we have plenty of cadavers. Glenn: Uh, well... Like I said it's completely sane. Carol: I need to learn how to cut through the abdomen and uterus without cutting the baby. Glenn: Why not? Glenn is about to kill the walker, but Carol stops him. Carol: I'll do it. She stabs the walker in the head. Glenn then tries to draw the walkers in his direction so Carol can take the body. Glenn: Come on, hey follow me! Come on! That's right, there we go! Come on! Corridors in the prison Daryl: (to Rick, about Thomas) You see the look on his face? Rick: He makes one move... Daryl: Just give me a signal. Entrance of the cell block They arrive in a room which contains a set of two doors, probably leading to the cell block where the prisoners would live. Daryl gives Thomas the keys. Thomas: I ain't opening that. Rick: Yes, you are. If you want this cell block, you're gonna open that door. Just the one, not both of them. Because we need to control this. They hear the walkers behind the door, Thomas picks up the keys.

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