Yeah im upset (but fr)

26 3 4

None of my friends will talk to me, my bestfriend won't answer the phone I've called her 6 times today, I thought she wouldn't leave, I thought she would always be there for me to talk to.

She had a really big impact on my life, and ever since we got close in 7th grade I've done so much better, my behaviour, grades, mental health, I love her.

Why is she doing this she won't talk to me?

WHY DOES EVERYONE FUCKING LEAVE?!! First my fucking parents, then my childhood bestie, now her? She hasn't talked to me or answered my texts in a week. Was it something I said? Is she mad at me?

Why can I never keep a healthy friendship? Why do I fuck everything up? Why does everyone hate me? Why has everything been so fucked up? I have to move from a house I've lived in for 4 years, I miss 2019, fuck 2020, I should kill myself nobody would fucking care anyway.


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