2: New Case

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"...and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, whether he be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other's sight, as I may say, even for a moment..."


New Case

It's been a few weeks since Giuliette's arrival at the BAU, and things were running more smoothly than anyone had anticipated. The team had taken to her quicker than she expected, and she found herself easing into the daily routine of their high-stakes work environment. 

However, Reid took a bit longer to adjust. She often caught him staring at her from his desk, his brow furrowed as if he were trying to solve a particular puzzle. He seemed confused and contemplative, which only added to the aura of mystery that surrounded him. She couldn't help, but be intrigued.

Hotch, ever the pragmatist, had made it clear from the start that he wanted Giuliette and Reid to partner up. They quickly fell into a rhythm, both in the field and during the long hours spent on paperwork. 

Despite Reid's lingering awkwardness, the ice began to melt after Giuliette laughed at one of his chemistry jokes—something no one else in the room had done. It was a small moment, but it marked the beginning of his growing affection for her.

One morning, as Giuliette was settling into her routine, she was greeted by Garcia, who had a penchant for grand entrances. "Good morning, Aphrodite," Garcia said, wrapping her arms around Giuliette in a warm embrace. On Giuliette's second day, Garcia had shown up with a batch of cupcakes that spelled out "I'm Sorry," a gesture that had solidified their friendship.

"Good morning, Garcie! How's everything?" Giuliette responded, returning the hug. They walked together towards the office, their footsteps in sync.

"Really good. I woke up today totally thinking that I had to do my monthly security compliance report, but turns out it's actually in two weeks. Thank god. Oh oh and then I went to buy my banana nut muffin and they gave it to me on the house. Anyways there's some paperwork on your desk. See you at lunch, beautiful," Garcia said, blowing her a kiss as they parted ways. Giuliette loves when Penelope rambles it always keeps her on her toes. 

"Okay, thank you, preciosa," Giuliette called out, settling at her desk to tackle the pile of folders waiting for her. As she worked, she felt a pair of eyes on her. She turned and saw Spencer staring, a look of uncertainty on his face.

"Hey, Spence, do you need anything?" she asked kindly. He seemed to be wrestling with an inner conflict, his gaze darting away momentarily before returning to her.

Since her arrival, Reid had been somewhat distant, but after their shared laugh, they had become semi-friends. He was still curious about her, yet felt a twinge of guilt, as if befriending her meant betraying Emily. This internal struggle was evident in the way he interacted with her—cautious yet intrigued.

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