Chapter 2

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"No" I sighed. "The only thing I know is that he dropped out of uni, and we both went to Manchester. Also I highly doubt that the person was Dan. I would get a heart attack."

"I could ask him about that if you want to"

"Nah, that would be awkward, like I would like go to his and Phil's apartment and be like: 'hey, you guys don't know me at all, I watch both of your videos tho blah blah blah is this your child?' It is just a bit absurd"

"I wasn't thinking about things like this. Just small questions, one at a time. When did he drop out?"

"After my roommate noticed that I was having a bit of morning sickness. And she told to one of her friends, and 3 hours later it spread like wildfire, the whole campus knew I was pregnant. This is why I had to drop out, a week later than him. He noped out of his responsibilities."

After Kian found me in a room, half naked, he wrapped me in the duvet which was there and threw me over his shoulder. He told me this a bit later that day when he found us and got us back to our room.

"Okay. Do you remember about anything else?"

"Not really" this was the moment when Matt came in and asked.

"Where is Darcy?"

"In her room with Hannah." Matt came into the living room and he clearly didn't understand what was happening. "This is Dora, the one I was talking about. The uni dropout. She's Hannah's mom."

"Oh hi, I'm Matt"


"Where did you leave Jack?"

"I'm here" I was waiting for the I'm queer ending. "Oh hello there, I don't know you"

"Hi, I'm Dora"

"Are you guys talking about lady stuff?"

"No, just about kid stuff" in that exact moment we heard really loud kid laughter.

"What is going on in there jesus christ"

"Should we check on them?"

"I'll do it" Jack said. 2 minutes later we heard giggles. Sooner or later we discovered Jack playing with the kids.

"Oh my god this is adorable" I knew I needed the list of people who dropped out around that time, to find Hannah's dad.

This felt like a journey. 

We sat down a bit later with Jack and started talking. "Before we really start talking, I'm guilty of watching your videos sorry I'm not even sorry." I said and he immediately started laughing. I knew that at least I should look for the Great Gatsby of Manchester uni. I asked Kian later, and he told me the guy's name.

"How old are you and what is that accent?"

"Hungarian, and I'm 24. Is it really harsh?"

"No, but it will never fade away. Maybe after years." We've spoken about how I dropped out, and how I handled all this shit, and how I have double citizenship.

Time passed and weekend was over.

I dropped Hannah off at the kindergarten, and went back home to get my shit together.

At 2 PM my doorbell rang.

I was done with 1/3 of the dropout people in school, I had around 20 more to call/message/whatever, but I had to open the door.

"You ready?"

"For what?"

"I'm gonna call him" 

"Oh jesus"

"Calm down, even if it is his child too, he is nice and you have nothing to be afraid of."


Moments later she was on the phone with Dan.

By the time she reached him, I've written a few notes down for her.

"Yes yes thank you, I'm gonna be honest now, I need to ask you a few questions." pause "no, I'm gonna tell you what is up. When did you drop out?" pause "okay. Yes I will. No, don't be creeped out. Thank you. Yes I will. Bye" she hung up.


"He dropped out a week after your date"

"I'm gonna call and ask the Gatsby guy" I said, and dialed the number. Almost immediately someone answered.


"Hi, I'm sorry for bothering you but are you the Great Gatsby of Manchester uni?"

"Uh, I was, yes, why?"

"I have a question."

"Go ahead. And don't call me Gatsby, call me Craig."

"Okay, so I was there at your last party, and I drank too much and I really need to know who was in a room with me."

"Oooh, what is your name? I remember 2 girls being completely wasted, one of them was an exchange student or whatever, but I don't remember that clearly, the black haired chick who also got wasted got together with Robert. Why do you need the info?"

"Because I didn't have the money" I started stuttering. I remembered how much of a panic I was in when I found out that I'm pregnant.

"What? For what?"

"To abort it"

"Wait what?"

"Nothing, nevermind thank you for the info" I hung up. A minute later, my phone started to ring again.

I looked at the screen and it read Ms. Nicole. I answered. "Hallo?"

"Hello Ms. Kelemen I would like to inform you that your child is having a bit of a fever, and she's coughing."

"I will be there in 30 minutes thank you" I hung up.

"What happened?" Louise asked.

"Hannah is sick, I need to go to get her."

"I can take you"

"Thank you" by the time we got there, it got worse.

From one moment to another, we had to go to the A&E, my little baby got unconscious. I was really scared. I remember crying and Louise helping me, trying to comfort me. 
Of course, after a while she had to leave.

"Are you Hannah Kelemen's mother?"


"We need to perform a surgery, something is going on in her lungs which caused her to get really high fever, and of course the coughing. Come I will take you to the hallway, it is much less noisier than here. We're trying to do everything we can"

"Thank you"

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