"Why you--!"


<Time Skip>

"Sugoi... So many"

"Mostly, this is horde of Ren's fans precisely"

"What do you expect from that guy?" I shrugged as I opened my fan as we stepped in further inside, we wore disguises. It would be really a big havoc just like the last time (she's talking about the "Shopping with the Italiana") ; A famous composer, a known Italian model and a young French prodigy painter.

A tug on my disguise at my back turned my head around. Miracle was tugging it.

"What is it?" She pointed at the little far corner. A familiar person leaning at the wall with a earphones in his ear. He seems to be listening for something.

"Oh, Cecil-kun! What are you doing here?" We approached the guy, as he heard my voice he looked at us and smiled.

"Princess invited me to watch with, are you going to?" We nodded as Miracle approached her cousin as they embrace with each other. Violet and i smiled at the interaction, this two are so adorable cousin relationship to watch. We have met this prince when we had got time to visit their country, Agnapolis.

As they apart from each other, Miracle pointed the mini CD-player(?) in his hands.

Cecil hold up the player "I'm listening to Ren and the other's music. Princess lend me a copy to listen to them! Do you want to listen, Lyn-chan?" the disguised composer nodded eagerly and Cecil-kun placed out one of the ear buds into her ears. She closed her eyes and listen to the music intently.

After a minute she opened up her eyes and poke out her notepad and pen.

[The song was amazing!! Nami-chan composes songs so wonderful! I feel that, someday she'll be a Worldwide Composer like me. You can feel the emotions and bond that strings the music, they understand each other completely]

I smirked at her statement "Coming that from you, really indicates that she'll be a Worldwide Composer. Or is it just she's your Kouhai?" i teased at her jokingly at the last sentence. But, it was really rare for her to praised highly someone like this. Yes she praise those she had met but, not to this extent. Miracle smiled mysteriously

"I want her to compose a song for me" He smiled brightly, Miracle patting him on his shoulder, understanding. As if on time, Nanami and her best friend, Tomochika arrived. Nanami instantly recognized Miracle and greeted her warmly and talked with Cecil as we listened to their conversation. Tomochika made her way to me and waved.

"Good morning, Roselia-san!"

"Good morning to you too, Tomochika-chan. How did you recognized me quickly?" i smiled to her.

"It was obvious, your wearing one of your signature item"

"Signature item??" Tomochika-chan and also Violet who's beside deadpanned.

"Your serious, Rose? You don't know? "Violet asked looking at me.

"What? I really don't know! I swear this is my first time hearing it!" Violet face palmed while the others were just watching us in amusement.

"So much with being smarta**, already forgotten everything" I heard what she mumbled causing me to pinched her cheeks as she yelped.

"Hey you kid, no cussing when I'm around much likely Mira-- I mean Lyna-chan's here. You know how scary she is when a kid is cussing"

"I'm not a kid! I'm 15!" She whined as she caressed her now reddish cheeks. I ignore her and turned to Tomochika-chan.

"So, what are these symbols you're saying??" Tomochika-chan still sweat dropped because the pianist kid is grumbling behind me.

"O-oh. The first one is the red rose, second the hat and third your red fan imprinted with roses. Your holding your fan so its defenitely you."

"Oh, then im gonne keep minding that, i dont want to end up like the last time..."


The show already ended and we get to go home. Well, there are things that unexpectedly happened in the fashion show. Especially the lights gone out and everyone inside it began to wary, then Haruka-chan ran somewhere holding a CD. The music started and Ren-kun began to sing, fans started to cheer.

I smiled unconsciously as i took a sip of red wine, sitting at a chair in the garden . It was already midnight and everyone is asleep, or not because i saw two person holding hands. A long and wavy blond hair and a blue hair. I snicker silently.

'Hm, a secret date i see Miracle, Blue? Don't make it obvious!'

(MissRein: If everyone is wondering why the "Love Rule" is not used to lyna, is because she is from the Kiseki Entertainment Though she graduated in Saotome Academy as a composer, President Shining still see her as a idol in Kiseki Entertainment that helped the Shining Entertainment in the shadows.)

"My my, Roselia. Drinking in the middle of the night? Don't you have work tommorrow" I lifted my eyes to see an unexpected person.

"You know you should be sleeping right? You white-haired senpai might be angry if you roam around this hour. And if you attempt to flirt at me, it's not going to work" i heard a sigh and heard the chair beside me moved.

"I snuck out to find you, i just want to talk to you" I didn't give him a look and looked up in the sky.

"... It's about you and your brother, isn't it?"

"No.....It's about us"

"I already saw what happ--wait what?" I turned to looked at him, he's been

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