𝙃𝙚𝙝𝙚, 𝙃𝙞..

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Hey y'all, so I'm back with another chapter. Woop Woop. So in the last chapter the girls just arrived at the beach (: also don't mind my grammatical mistakes cuz they suck, I also know that Singlets and Matt Dee don't appear with one another so yea >.> Anywhosises. ENJOY


  Pixies POV:

             We just stood at the waters edge, just staring for a little while until I remembered I grabbed my camera bag and brought it with us too the water. So I slowly stepped out and away from the water my bag wouldn't get wet and took out my camera and started getting it ready for these types of conditions, which were windy and slightly rainy. "You just can't help it can you" say Ang and she chuckles looking back seeing me get out my camera. "Oh hush, I'm sorry that I think it's beautiful out here" "I don't see the 'beauty'" she retorts "of course you don't, you need a photographers eye". I chuckled the at the last, and she laughed along with me. I take some more steps back and sit down on the sand and angle my body to the shot, it took me a little bit because the waves were a little wild and I had to wait for the perfect time..the *click* I look back at the picture I just took and smiled. It was perfect. "Got the shot, 'cuz you were looking through the lens for a long time?" "yeah I got!" I got up and showed her the picture and she was amazed and I bowed dramatically, we both burst out laughing.

        All of a sudden we heard a rumble of an engine behind us and I recognized it as one of Bondi Beach's Rhinos, it drove up behind us and two lifeguards jumped out. I realized as they jumped out it was Matt Dee and Jesse, I smiled and waved at them as they walked up too us. "Hey girls, hows it going today?" it was Jesse, he was trying to blink away the water in the eyes. "Heyy, were good, ya know getting soaked" I reply laughing slightly "So what are you girls doing out here in the rain?" It was Matt that time, "we just arrived in Australia....20 minutes ago and decided that the rain wasn't gonna stop us from coming to the famous Bondi Beach" Ang replied "I'm Angelica by the way and this is Pixie" she said pointing to me. "I'm Jesse and this is Matt Dee, we're both lifeguards here". I'm just standing there giggling because I'm a huge fan of the TV show and two of my favs are standing infront of me. "Is she okay?" Matt asks pointing to me as I just stare and giggle with a dazed look in my eyes. "yeah she is, she's just a huge fan of the show and your two of her favorites" Ang says laughing, soon the boys and me join in too. "So who is your other favorite?" "hehe...Harries..I can't help but love the bronze god himself" I say as my face turns completely red. They all just burst into laughter.

        All of the sudden a louder crack of thunder booms and Ang jumps up attaching herself to Jesse and squeals. Jesse had to act quickly to catch her so she doesn't fall onto the sand while me and Matt just burst out laughing. "Ang I know your scared of storms but damn!" I exclaim while clutching my stomach almost doubling over and holding onto Matt for support. Ang jumps out of Jesse's arms completely red faced and glares at my laughing form, she picks up her sandal and starts running toward me "Ahhhh no! ANGELICA!" "Don't laugh you butt!" She starts swinging the shoe towards me and I just dodge her but I trip over a stick and skid onto the sand. "oof" Ang stops running and comes up too me with the boys in tow "you okay" I just give her a thumbs up. "She's okay". "Well we should get back to the tower or Hoppo is gonna get mad, nice meeting you girls".."nice meeting you too, we'll see y'all lifeguards tomorrow, we have to check into the hotel anyways". We wave to them goodbye as they disappear into the tower and Ang pulls me up to a standing position, and we grab our things and the only thing I could think about was. WHAT. A. DAY.


Soooo welcome to the ending of this chapter! I hoped y'all enjoyed it, I also decided on who I was gonna ship the girls with and you can see if you read it XD

So till next time ~Strange ♥

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