ONCE we arrived at the Pit shop Courtney knocked on the garage door, looking through the window with her we could see Pat. Once we saw the other garage open we both ran over, or at least Courtney did as I followed behind her. Seeing that her face is still in worry, she also explained that her staff was missing. Which was odd, since her staff usually was in it’s crate. Unless something happened and the staff did something that none of us know about. 

“Is my staff in there?” Courtney asked Pat as he responded with a no, seeing the worry also in Courtney as I was watching this whole scene unfold. “It’s not in its crate.” Courtney told Pat, as he put his jacket on. “It came to me last night, and I said I couldn’t go out, and….where could it have gone?” Courtney continued as she was so worried as you could hear the worry in her tone and her reaction of fear or concern for the staff. “I don’t know.” Pat told her as he looked at her. “We have to find it, and we have to take the fight to Jordan.” She told us as I looked at her with my eyes still in concern and worried that if Jordan is Icicle then he could kill us. Heck, he could even kill me if I wasn’t careful. Speedster 101 from what Wally and Barry told me, extreme cold makes it hard for a speedster due to the atoms, and it makes us extremely weak and our speed goes down making us vulnerable for attacks. 

“Mom wants to leave Blue Valley today.” Courtney told Pat as he repeated it, “Today?” He questioned as she nodded. “Yeah. She went to the office to go get her things. And told me to pack up.” Courtney continued as Pat walked to his car knowing he had to go get her. Still caring about her, even though after the fight, Courtney told me they had. “I told her not to go but. What should I do now?” Courtney asked Pat looking for advice for him. “Just listen to you mom. And go home and pack. Okay?” Pat told her as I could feel more sad now as I looked up and Pat was gone as he drove away leaving Courtney and me standing here without thoughts. Until I could see Mike come out of the garage. Of course he would be here; I thought. 

“Hey.” He told us both as I raised my hand as Courtney turned over. “Can you tell me what’s really going on?” He asked Courtney as I stepped to the side knowing this wasn’t my conversation. “”I’m sorry Mike I can’t tell you.” I heard Courtney say as I could hear the hurt in Mike’s voice. “You really never met me and my dad around, did you?” He asked as even I moved my head in the direction of Mike listening in. “That’s not true.” Courtney says from what I could hear as I turned around not wanting to hear the rest of the conversation as it was more for her and her step-brother than me. As he closed the garage in her face as she looked back at me. 

Walking back into the town we could hear people talking, as I looked at Courtney seeing that she was still sad as we continued walking until I bumped into her almost because she stopped like she heard something. Which was odd since I couldn’t hear whatever she was hearing. Until she looked across and then I could see what happened….it was Henry Jr. Out of all the people it could have been, it was Henry Jr. the one that is no good. And of course caring about Courtney I walked over with her as she spoke to Henry as I glared at him and he looked at me. 

Until I saw him grab Courtney’s shoulder and I glared at him when she gasped and yelled in pain. “Look I’m Sorry.” Henry told her as I went in front of her a bit as I grabbed her shoulder and he looked at me. “Stay away from me!” She told him as I was very tempted to run from him right now, right here in public. Not caring if anyone could see me or not. “Look I don’t know what that was.” Henry told her as I looked at Courtney. “Say the world and I will run us out of here.” I told  her loud enough for her to hear as she nodded. “I could see everything you were thinking.” Courtney told him as I looked at him still angry and still I can’t trust him 100%. 

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