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Hello, I know I'm not quite update or active online because I'm busy at something and I need to handle them all.  Almost like, I don't have time to update my art even I had draw so much hehehehe. At any situation I'm in, I will never give up on drawing.

So for today,

I already coloured the art from the previous one that I said I will colour  using IbispaintX.

Special quest : tsukitohoshi12

Before (I just take it from previous part so you don't have to go look back)

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Before (I just take it from previous part so you don't have to go look back)

Before (I just take it from previous part so you don't have to go look back)

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Coloured. I don't know what to colour the background and I like the background haha I don't know why.

I colour the hair colour based of what she want to : blonde
But I quite sad at the hair I coloured, like, I'm fail.  Don't worry, I will do better next time!

Hope you like it! Tsuki!

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