I roll my eyes, as Alex comes over and kisses the top of my head also looking half asleep. "You look chipper," Alex says, as she too goes for some coffee.

A smirk spreads on my face, "I just like watching others struggling through the morning."

This earns a death glare from Kelley before Tobin mumbles almost falling into the chair next to me, "Fuck off."

This causes the rest of us to chuckle, as Alex says, "No swearing around Ryn."

Kelley lets out a small laugh, "Ryn swears more than anyone else on the team, she's got the worst sailors mouth."

I shrug, "You're not wrong."

"And that's something we're going to change," Alex says staring me down.

I again let out a laugh, "I wish you luck on the futile endeavor."

"Stop using such big words so early in the morning," Kelley says holding her head as if my words are hurting her head. This causes me to shake my head laughing, as the other veterans also let out a few laughs.

Before I know it, we're on the flight and Kelley is right back to annoying the shit out of me. As we walk off the plane, towards baggage claim I turn around, "Kelley, I swear to god if you keep hitting the back of my legs with your suitcase, I will drug you and ship you to New York in a box, right now!"

I hear a familiar voice a couple of feet away say, "Well someone's hit a nerve."

I look up to see Alex walking over to Serv, who has a smile covering his face. After letting Alex go, he pulls me into a hug. "I didn't know you two knew each other," Kelley says confused.

"Oh yeah, Serv and I go way back to about two weeks ago," I chuckle.

"Wait, not to be rude, but why are you here?" Tobin asks Serv, a confused expression spreading on her face along with the other two national team players.

Alex, Serv, and I all share looks before Alex starts to explain how they're adopting me. By the time Alex finishes explaining, we're all packed into an Uber headed to our hotel. "Wait, so you two are adopting her?" Christen questions again, as if to make sure her ears aren't deceiving her.

I can't let the opportunity go by without making fun of myself, "Yeah, I know, I'm surprised too. Like what kind of psychos would actually sign on to adopt me, but they haven't backed out yet."

"Well, then call us psycho, because we aren't backing out of this," Serv chuckles ruffling up my hair, knowing it will annoy the hell out of me. I send him a playful glare, as he just laughs at me. Both Serv and I have continued to get to know each other over FaceTime throughout the past weeks, as we called each other almost as much as Alex and I call each other when we aren't at camp.

"I'm so happy for all of you," Tobin says with a smile.

"Are you sure though, I mean have you met Ryn, she can be a hand full," Kelley jokes sarcastically, as Alex rolls her eyes.

"Kelley, trust me, I've had all the training I need dealing with you," Alex replies with a smirk, as everyone else in the car laughs knowing it's true.

After dropping our stuff at the hotel, we immediately head over to the courthouse, as the last part of the whole process is getting a judge to sign off on the adoption. Kelley, Christen, and Tobin decide to tag along for 'moral support', but I secretly think Kelley only came to annoy me further.

The judge called Alex and Serv in separately to talk to each of them, before calling my name. Each of their meetings lasted about half an hour, and in that time my anxiety only grew. Christen and Tobin tried to comfort me, as I could feel my heart rate double its normal rhythm. Kelley tried to joke around to get my mind off of it, but my laughs were faked as the worry continued. Once I heard the judge call my name, I feel my heart stop as I feel like I'm floating instead of walking into her office.

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