"THIRTEEN!" She managed to call, before she was sucked into a portal that dropped her across the building and very high in the air. She didn't have very much time so she created a nest of vines to soften her fall. When she looked around she realised she was in an open area at the back. She heard yelling come from the entrance, and looked that way. Just in time to see her classmates and soulmates be sucked into portals as well. She started to get up to run to them, but before she could she was surrounded. Some of the same people from before were there, accompanied by hundreds of villains. She looked for an escape route, but before she could move there was a large shadow. A monstrous thing stood over her. A raspy voice spoke up.

"You're quite lucky, or unlucky I guess. You're the first to get a run in with the Nomu. Sorry for ya. Actually, no I'm not. Nomu." The said beast turned back to her, before grabbing her by the hair. It slammed her into the ground until it was ordered to stop, then threw her forward. She didn't know, but the Nomu had thrown her at the feet of the man who thought of her as a little sister. Aizawa was furious. She was still concious, but seemed so out of it. He doubted if she even knew where she was at that point. He looked at her one more time then got to work again.

-Kira's POV-

The pain in my head was unbearable. Everything was spinning. I slowly opened my eyes. There was a man on the ground in front of me, he was being attacked by some beast.

No. That's Sho. I'm at the USJ. Remember. That thing is a Nomu. I have to help him.

The ringing in my ears made it impossible to hear anything, but I could tell by looking around that no one was paying attention to me. I didn't know what was up with that beast, so I couldn't risk my Siren. My plants will have to do.

I quickly made vines wrap around it's torso, then threw it as far as possible. While they were all distracted, I ran to Shota. He was mouthing something, but I couldn't hear. I felt the ground shake, and looked up in time to see the Nomu headed straight for me.

Damn, Sho is still too close. I can't use Siren.

I dodged to the left, as far away as I could. I kept going that way. I had only gotten a little further when I was slammed into the ground. I used vines to push it off of me, but I could tell one of my legs was broken. I flipped over right as it came back. It used both hands to punch me in the stomach, and before I could recover, did it again. It kept breaking bones, and I felt like I was dying.

I know Kira. It's ok. You probably are dying so at least take this fucker down with you. Now push through it ok.



-Back to regular POV-

Kira let out the loudest call she could muster. She put so much power into it. But the Nomu had so little brain function, it stopped for only a little while. It went back to it. But right as it started to, it's master called it off.

"You're pretty strong for such a tiny thing."


"I disagree. However, our guest of honor is almost here. I need a little leverage. You seem perfect. A poor little girl, already on death's door."

"Shit man, do I really look that bad?" A man in a black and white costume answered her.

"Yeah, you look like absolute shit." She huffed.

"Awe, I spent so much time on my makeup this morning." The blue haired man looked frustrated.

"All you hero types are fucking annoying. Now if you move, your throat will be burnt off, got it?" He said as he wrapped his hand around the back of her throat. She was small, and his hand was large, so his hand went all the way around her neck. He left one finger on for just a second so she could know that he wasn't joking. It hurt like a bitch.

While they waited, he forced her to watch Aizawa get beaten up. She was trying not to sob. It didn't take long for All Might to show up, but she would never forget what she saw. By then the adrenaline was wearing off, and she could hardly breathe. All Might was family to her, and they were so close that they had their own little language. Soon enough, the blue haired man gave him an ultimatum.

"All Might! Stand down or the girl dies." But what surprised them was that he kept fighting. They didn't know that in their secret language, Kira had told him 'Keep fighting, I've got a plan.'

The man tightened his grip on her throat, and let his finger fall. The pain was awful. But she fought through it. Her plants sent him flying, and as she collapsed she shielded herself with them. She was in her own little dome, that was 3 feet thick. She finally allowed herself to cry, she didn't know how long she had been in there. She finally passed out due to her injuries. Her vines parted when a familiar hand rested on top of the dome.

Present Mic was aghast when he arrived at the USJ. The carnage was awful. But he recognized a pile of massive vines, and was immediately infinitely more worried. They weren't moving at all. Normally, unless they were made for non combat, her plants moved constantly.

"GUYS, WE NEED A MEDIC OVER HERE! I FOUND KIRA!" He set his hand on top of the dome, as he had been taught to do. If she knew you, and you were trusted, the vines would open. Quickly, the vines fell back, almost as if panicked. Mic was horrified at the sight before him. Kira was bloody and bruised, her jaw was swollen and most likely broken. There was a pool of blood coming from her abdomen and mouth, one of her feet were twisted the wrong way, and she looked like she wasn't breathing. But the worst was her neck, it looked like she had been severely burned. He quickly lifted her and ran her towards the front entrance.

"MEDIC, PLEASE!" Her classmates were horrified, but even worse were her soulmates. They could feel it, the pain. They knew it was only a fraction, but it was killing them. They decided Todoroki would ride along just in case he needed to pay for anything, and Bakugo rode along because he threatened to blow something up. The other three hopped another ride to the hospital, but they were slowly drowning in worry. What if she didn't pull through?

-11 hours later-

They had been sitting in the waiting room for what seemed like forever. Bakugo couldn't sit down, Kirishima, Mina, and Tsu had fallen asleep on each other, and Todoroki kept accidentally burning or freezing the arm rests. Her parents had arrived a few hours earlier, and her mom was happy to see them all there. Strangely, her father was emotionless. Finally someone came out.

"Hoshimi, Kira?" Everyone perked up and Todoroki woke up the three that were asleep. Her mom spoke up.

"That's us! What's happening? Is she ok?" The doctor sighed, he still had blood on his shirt.

"She'll be just fine, but to be frank, the only reason she's still alive is her accelerated healing factor. It was still pretty touch and go at the beginning, but she will pull through. You have to understand, she's a fighter. Most people in her situation would have already died. She has severe head trauma and internal bleeding, many broken bones. One of her legs is damaged so she will be in a cast for about 2 weeks, and it's doubtful if she can ever even use it normally again. She's got a ways to go. It looks like whatever attacked her focused on dealing the most damaging blows." They were almost all in tears, knowing that she was so close to death after all she'd been through.

"Can we see her?"

"Yes ma'am, just be very careful."

"And payment?"

"Ah, Mr. Todoroki has taken care of that already." Kira's mom turned to him and engulfed him in a hug.

"Thank you! Oh, Thank you!" They were on the lower end of the middle class spectrum, despite being heroes. They didn't like the limelight, and did it to save people not for money. It was unlikely they would have been able to pay for it all.

They all hurried to her room, her parents in front. They were astronomically worried when her mom almost collapsed after catching a glimpse of her. They walked in the room, and what they saw broke their hearts.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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