He looked into her worried eyes and coldy corrected her, "Major...it is Major Shravan Malhotra for you, Captain Tiwari". Tears formed in Suman's eyes but she blinked them away and focused on the vial that was collecting his blood. She felt nauseous looking at his blood. This never happens to her as she was a doctor so she was used to seeing other people's blood. But, for some reason seeing Shravan's blood made her uncomfortable. Shravan smirked, "Captain, if you are so incompetent at your job, I suggest you leave the Army Medical Corps".

Suman looked up appalled at the insult. She angrily asked, "Excuse me? What do you mean by that?" Suman thought to herself that he thinks he's better than her just because he is her senior. But, what does he know? She was a topper at her medical school. But, unknown to Suman, Shravan was fully aware of that. But, his ego wouldn't let him admit that he was proud of her accomplishments. Seeing her again, his wounds had resurfaced and he wanted to give her the same pain he endured.

Suman was about to answer back when suddenly they heard a knock on the door. Shravan told the person to come in. It was his Junior who handed him the phone. Suman watched Shravan as the creases formed on his forehead. "Hmm...yes, Sir....right away". He handed the phone back and shot a frustrated look at Suman. "Captain, how much more time? I need to leave soon. Can't you work faster? Please, take your job more seriously. You have patients coming in who are injured but you are taking your sweet time as if nothing is urgent. Unlike you, I don't have time to waste".

Suman looked up and clenched her jaw. She had enough of him and his insults. "Listen, Major Malhotra. I am a doctor not a magician. I can't control the flow of your blood. But, it seems that you have a problem with me and if that's the case, I can send someone else here to replace me. Would that be better, SIR?"

Shravan's Junior awkwardly looked at the two arguing. The tension between them was obvious and his Junior stepped out. He thought to himself what had gotten into the Major all of a sudden? Major Malhotra was different from the other officers. He was a self-made man without an ounce of arrogance. He was well-known for his kind-hearted nature. It was surprising to see him behaving so rudely with Captain Tiwari, a sweet and gentle soul.

Suman got up to leave but Shravan caught her arm. He sighed, "No, it's okay...we can't waste more time". Shravan felt guilty seeing how upset Suman had become because of him. One part of him wanted to hurt her feelings but the other part of him wanted to hold her close and ask if things could be the way they once used to be.

Without looking at him, Suman gently said, "Make a fist...it'll increase your blood flow so you can leave and get back to your duty". Shravan nodded and did as she ordered. Suman studied his face carefully and asked, "Are you feeling okay?" Shravan nodded and then Suman asked the same question five minutes later. Shravan became confused as to why she kept asking the same question. Suman rolled her eyes and said, "I need to make sure you don't feel light-headed. If something happens to you, it will be my responsibility". Shravan felt a little disappointed knowing that she wasn't genuinely concerned for him as a friend but rather as a doctor. For the remaining time, they sat there quietly and felt sad realizing how much had changed between them.

As the vials were about to fill up, Suman spoke up again, "You donated a lot of blood so make sure to eat and drink fluids afterwards". Shravan nodded as Suman carefully placed a bandage on his arm. She continued talking, "It's important that you..." Shravan's Junior knocked again and informed him that he had been summoned by the Colonel. Shravan quickly got up and ran out, returning to his work without turning back to look at her. Suman sighed and finished her sentence to herself, "...take care of yourself because I can't see anything happen to you".

At night, Suman went into the office to collect some files. She noticed that the light was on in Shravan's cabin. She looked at her watch and grew confused as to why he was working so late. She shrugged her shoulders and told herself that she didn't care. She started to walk out but stopped as she felt something was wrong. She decided to peep into his cabin and saw him leaning against his desk with his head down. She quickly ran to him and tried to stabilize him as he was on the verge of losing consciousness.

He leaned on her and whispered, "I don't feel good, Sumo". Suman's heart dropped hearing him call her Sumo for the first time in years. She missed hearing Sumo from him more than she would like to admit. She snapped out of her thoughts and turned her attention back to him. He was covered in cold sweat and his body was clammy. She made him sit down and held his wrist. His pulse was slow and she realized that his blood pressure was dropping.

She remembered that he donated a lot of blood earlier and maybe this was an after effect. She asked him angrily, "You didn't eat or drink anything after donating your blood like I told you to, right? Of course, you never listen to me. You were always stubborn and now you are egoistic too". He clutched her tightly and rested his head on her shoulder. Suman's anger faded away realizing he really wasn't feeling well.

She ran out of his cabin to her jeep to grab her water bottle and some snacks. When she came back, he grabbed her arm and mumbled, "Please Sumo, don't leave me".

Suman's heart melted as she felt like her young and vulnerable Shravan was in front of her. She rubbed his back and whispered, "Don't worry. I'm right here with you, Shravan". She brought the water up to his lips and made him drink. Then, she helped him eat and he started to feel better. He looked into her concerned eyes as she caressed his hair. She softly asked, "Better?" and he nodded. He slightly moved back realizing how close they were to each other. She helped him to her jeep and said, "Let's go to the clinic and I'll give you some medicine".

Shravan pulled his arm away and said, "No, it's okay. I'm fine now". He couldn't believe that he let his guard down in front of her. He can't let her break his heart again.

Suman sighed in frustration, "Shravan, please just shut up and get in the jeep".

Shravan looked angrily at her and said, "Excuse me? Is this how you talk to your senior? I can suspend you for this sort of behavior".

Suman raised her eyebrows and moved close to his face. She smirked, "Oh really? Then, do it". Shravan stood there dumbstruck as the challenging look in her eyes unnerved him. She sat in her jeep and said, "Please hurry up, Major Malhotra. I have more important things to do than to take care of you". Shravan gave in and quietly sat into the jeep. The drive to the clinic was silent unlike their minds. Shravan closed his eyes remembering his young, sweet Sumo who was so different from this cold and tough Captain Suman. But, he had also talked harshly with her earlier so he deserved the same treatment from her.

They sat in the clinic as Suman re-checked his blood pressure. Shravan watched her closely as she focused on the reading, "Hmm...your blood pressure is stable now but still take these tablets once a day for the next three days. If you feel abnormal, stop the medication and immediately come to the clinic".

Shravan stared at her for a while and grew confused because this Suman was so different from the Suman that held him and took care of him when he was about to pass out. He slowly said, "Thank you".

She looked up and said in a flat voice, "No need to thank me, Major Malhotra. I would have done the same for anyone. I was just doing my job".

Shravan's heart sank hearing how she equated him with anyone but he deserved her anger. He took a deep breath, "Sumo, I'm sorry...about this morning...I spoke out of line".

Suman rolled her eyes and corrected him, "It's Captain...Captain Suman Tiwari. Please don't call me by that name again". Shravan looked down and bit down on his lip trying to hide his hurt face. She scoffed, "Also, please keep your apology to yourself. I had already forgotten about your rude behavior with me. To be honest, I don't care what you think about me, Major Malhotra. If you do not need anything else from me, you can leave now".

Shravan sighed and started walking out. Suman listened to his footsteps getting lighter as he walked further away from her. Shravan was about to leave the clinic and he looked back at her stiff posture. He whispered to himself, "Please Sumo, look back...just once". He waited for a while but she never turned around. He thought to himself, she can never forgive me. Shravan quietly walked out and shut the door behind him. Suman who had been holding her breath finally exhaled. She covered her mouth and broke down crying. Everything had changed. They had changed. 

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