Chapter 1- 0%

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  • Dedicated to Alexa, Taylor, Leslie, Kaitlynn, Kendall, and Hailey (:

 Hi, I'm Hannah. I'm 17. And This is what happ- wait. Let’s start from the beginning. It was the first day of school, out of the corner of my eye, I saw my boyfriend Riley coming around the corner. I hadn’t seen him in a month. Of course I ran to him! I missed him so much. He was always traveling over the summer. He went to places I didn’t even know existed, like Azerbaijan, a country outside of Russia. He was crazy busy! At least we texted a lot!

“Hey, Riley!” I said with a huge smile on my face

“Hey, Hannah!” He replied, picking me up off the floor and swinging me over his shoulder.

“PUT ME DOWN!” I said joking around.


Then the first bell rang. We had to go to class. I walked into Mrs. Combs honors history class to see that my two best friends Olivia and Kimberly were standing there!

“Hey, Guys” I yelled, barging into their conversation. 

“Hannah!” They both screamed. 

“How was your guy’s summer?”  I asked. 

“Amazing!” Replied Olivia. 

“Fantastic!” Replied Kimberly. 

“Everyone take your seats. The seating chart is on the board.” We heard the teacher say.

Unfortunately we didn’t get to sit next to each other because of seating charts. I got placed to a nice girl, Alexa. We were talking about the most random stuff, until we found a HUGE similarity between each other, we both love One Direction. One Direction is like the one band that everyone is obsessing over, except for my friends. I'm the only one who liked them in my clique.

“Are you two finished talking?” I heard a voice from in front of me say.

“Yes, Mrs. Combs.” Alexa and I replied.

“Good. Then you wouldn’t mind passing out these pop quizzes from all the material you coverd last year would you?”

POP QUIZ? Crap. Last year I didn’t pay attention at all. I didn’t need to! I don’t have to this year either. I have a full ride scholarship to Maryland University for lacrosse. The man who offered me the scholarship told me no matter how bad my grades get, I’ll still have a full ride. I didn’t need to worry about History, they’re all dead anyway. I really didn’t care about this quiz so I just marked all the answers as B. When I was finished blowing this quiz off, I flipped it over and wrote “ I <3 One Direction” In big, bubble letters on the back. Five minutes  later, Mrs. Combs walked around and collected everyone’s quiz.

“I hope you all took this quiz seriously. I’m calling everyone’s home to let your parents know what you got. And just to let you all know, the answer to every problem was A.”

               A? Oh no! I marked every answer as B! I got a 0%! My mom is going to kill me. Normally I don’t tell her when I get a bad grade. I don’t show her my report card’s either. But now she is going to know, I’m screwed.

               The day went by really slow. All I could think  about was that quiz. Finally, the last bell. I said by to my  friends, hopped into my jeep, and blared the radio. I got home and walked in the kitchen, my mom was on the phone. She seemed furious.

“Okay,bye, Mrs. Combs. Yes, I will talk to her. Okay, bye.” She clicked off the phone.

“HANNAH MARIE SAXE!” My mother yelled.

“Yes, Mother?” I replied

“You are SO grounded. Give me your phone and laptop, Miss. 0 percent on pop quiz.”

“But, Mom!”

“No but’s! Go to your room and get me your stuff!”

“Fine! Wait! I have Olivia’s party tomorrow!”

“You’re not going.” She said smirking.

“NO! I have to go!”

“Well, you’ll have to get over that because you’re not going!”

“Mom! That’s not fair!”

“Now, Go call Mrs. O’Reilly and tell her you can’t come. Anyways, you’re going to Dad and Emily’s place tomorrow.”

“Fine. You’re the worst mom ever!”

I ran to my room and slammed the door. If you couldn’t tell, my parents are divorced. They’ve been divorced sense  I was 5. My mom hasn’t seen anyone sense my dad left, but my dad found Emily, Emily Rice. Emily is just, Emily. The moody little beast my dad married. I hate her. She abuses me.


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