Chapter 2

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A few years later

Two figures, as graceful and as lithe as panthers, jumped from a window in the middle of the night.

They both carried large sacks filled with various objects they had stolen. The first figure pulled down the hood of their black hoodie and took off their mask, revealing sparkling blue eyes.

"That was fun," Rin giggled.  "We should go out more often."

The second figure flipped off their hood.  Green, spiky quills sprang forth immediately.

"Yeah," Manic agreed. "We should."

Suddenly, two more figures leapt from a neighbors window.

They pulled off their hoods to reveal a pastel blue mouse and a white tiger.

"Hey, Jamal," Rin said.

"Hey," replied the tiger.

"Had the same idea, huh?" Aiko, the mouse, smirked.

Now, they weren't supposed to be out, but they never really played by the rules.

Grinning at each other, they hauled their bags over their shoulders and sprinted as fast as they could, praying they wouldn't get caught.

Rin felt eyes on her, and looked up. A pink hedgehog was watching them, but didn't make any move.

She ran faster.

The 15 year olds climbed down the sewer hole (I for real don't know what it's called), all while dragging the bags behind them.

They entered a room full of cots.

Jamal and Aiko walked over to the other side of the room and opened a board game.

Manic tore off his hoodie and tossed it carelessly onto his cot. Rin rolled her eyes, took off her hoodie, folded it, and placed it on her cot.

"Neat Freak," Manic muttered.

"Well I'm sorry for being civilized," Rin snorted.

Silence lay between the two before they burst out in laughter.

"No seriously," Rin giggled, "you need to learn more manners."

"It's kinda hard to pick up that kind of stuff when you've been a thief all your life," Manic sighed.  Rin had almost forgotten he hadn't had a real family.

She slung an arm around his shoulder.

"Hey," she said softly. "It's alright. Heck, I'm making you my brother."

Manic raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Hey!" Rin protested.  "It's either this or you're on your own."

Manic beamed.  "I'll take it."

"Good," Rin said, "otherwise you would've been dead."

They laughed and joked and playfully bantered like any pair of siblings.  They threw the bags into a corner; they landed next to more sacks filled with stolen objects.

"Thanks for being their for me, Manic," Rin said after a while.  "You know, when I first got here?  You were the one who showed me around and didn't push me away when I told you about my...ability."

Manic side-hugged her, and she leaned on his shoulder.  "What kind of fr-brother would I be if I had just left you?"

"A pretty crappy one, that's for sure," Rin laughed.  Manic grinned triumphantly, happy he made his new sister happy.

They leaned on one another, simply enjoying each others company.

They didn't know that their life would be turned upside down later that night.


Sonia looked out her window, brushing her magenta colored fur. Something glinted in the moonlight, and she looked over at her vanity.

Her keyboard shaped necklace sparkled in the moonlight.

No matter how many times she took it off, she always put it back on.

She slipped it on and looked out the window.

Two hedgehogs, one black with pastel tipped dark gray bangs much like her own, the other green with spiky quills glued to his forehead. Two other figures, an albino tiger and pale blue mouse, rushed by.

As she watched the hedgehogs disappear into the shadows, she felt drawn to them somehow.  If it was possible, her medallion glowed brighter, this time a pink color--

She glanced back out the window to see the figures gone.

The necklace stopped glowing.

She sighed. It was not her place to spy on others, any proper lady should know that.

She decided to play piano. Piano always made her feel better for some reason.

As her nimble fingers flew across the keys, she could have sworn she heard a guitar play in the distance, followed swiftly by a drum set, and was that...singing?

It surely was her imagination.



Sonic didn't know who the old guy was, and he didn't care.

All he wanted was sleep, and that was what he was expecting to do when he got home, but nooooo, this old man just HAD to appear in his house.

"Your destiny awaits, young Sonic," said the old man.

"Tell it to wait outside," he mumbled, face buried in his pillow. "I'm too tired to care."

And suddenly he wasn't anymore.  He was levitating off the couch, the pillow falling to the ground.

"Gooooood morning Robotropolis! I'm--" he was cut off as he fell back down. "Wide awake? How'd you do that?"

He watched as the man summoned two chairs and a table.

"Ah, I'm dreaming right?" Sonic mumbled.

The man summoned a platter of chili dogs.

Sonic whistled. "Pretty sweet dream."

He plopped down in the chair and began shoveling the food into his mouth.

The man introduced himself as the Oracle of Delphius.

He told him about the prophecy of the Council of Four, that he had two siblings, and that he was--

"A prince?" Sonic snarfed, mouth full of chili and hotdog (Why am I reading it in his voice from that one episode with island?). "You gotta be kidding me!"

He wasn't.

After he left, he stared down at his medallion, the information he had been given about hit intrigued him.

Could he really find his siblings just by playing?

He decided to give it a shot and grabbed his guitar.

He closed his eyes and started to play.

(Just imagine Rin next to Manic)

His eyes snapped open.

So they really were out there.

He smiled.

There was a pub somewhere in Robotropolis. Perhaps he could draw them there.

He held on to his guitar as he ran to the pub.

It was the first hope for change he had in years.

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