"One wrong move and the mountain could cave in."

"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine." I muttered.

"Do you have any good news today." Ryan asked

"Um... I got my first chest hair." Harris said

"Woah." Spyder said, clapping along

"congrats." Ryan said, clapping along

"I wax like twice a month, what's your point." I scoffed. Ryan used the drill to create a hole.

"Careful." I said.

"Almost through." Ryan told us.

"Slowly!" Harris called out.

"We're through!" Ryan exclaimed. I headed for the elevator with Ryan. "We've made an entrance. Keep it open while we go." I said.

"I could use shields." Harris said

"And I could blast debris so Lizzy doesn't die!" Spyder exclaimed

"I'm going down there too." Ryan told Spyder. He chose not to respond.

"Lez go. We don't have all day." I told Ryan. We went into the elevator and zipped down.

"It's gonna be dark, grab the X-goggles." Harris told us.

"Night vision." I said.

"But you where glasses." Spyder said

"Yea, so..." The elevator zipped shut and whooshed us down. We used a rope to slide down to the elevator. We opened the hatch and got into the elevator.

"How's it going?" Harris asked us.

"Just going into an old abandoned mine shaft to rescue our dad. Same old same old." I spoke into my Mech Link.

"Ha ha." Harris said dry. I smirked before I realized he couldn't see me and just shrugged my shoulders. Ryan opened the hatch which I didn't realize I was standing on and ungracefully fell into the elevator with a plop. I heard Harris and Spyder laughing at me, through the Mech Link.

"Can you see us." I asked.

"Yup, there are cameras in the elevator. What a graceful fall." Spyder snickered. I got up and brushed myself off.

"Control panel's busted." Ryan said. "But then again..." he trailed off and his eyes flashed blue and did the technopath thing and we were cruising down the elevator shaft. Then we began to fall. I yelped in surprise and gripped the walls.

"You're moving kind of fast." Harris told us.

"Gee I wonder why. We're in an old elevator that hardly works, wonder what could be happening?" I retorted

"There have to be emergency brakes!" Ryan shouted. He removed his goggles and found them. "Found them!" He told us. We stopped and the bottom and we both tumbled out of the elevator and onto the floor. I groaned. Someone stood over us and it was our dad. Ryan got up and pulled me up.

"Hi umm... sorry about that. We're here to rescue you." I said quickly

"Aren't you two a little young to be rescue workers?" Our dad asked

"See we're what do you call it"

"Prodigies." I supplied.

"Right prodigies." He continued. "We're child prodigies and we specialize in digging and saving dudes."

"What my brother means to say is, we specialize in high-risk situations, like this." I quickly said, trying to cover up Ryan's flimsy lie.

"Well, I could use all the help I can get." Our dad said.

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (book 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt