prologue: pages of life

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prologue: pages of life 07

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prologue: pages of life


"—And that's it!" The young woman cheered as she placed down her pen. Her hair was all frazzled while random scraps of paper were littered around her room. (Y/n) held up the book as if it were a trophy as a light smile crossed onto her face. "Imperial Six, this'll be a big hit, I'm sure of it! This way I'll be able to pay for their hospital bills." She prattled whilst her gaze had never once left the glistening cover of the book.

(Y/n) threw herself onto her bed while her back bended in a threatening manner. "Living would be much easier— if life was as simple as it is in Imperial Six. Eat, sleep, and repeat." She heaved a sigh as she ran her fingers through her messy (h/c) hair. For a moment, her eyes drooped. She struggled to stay awake as writing had indeed taken a toll on her body. (Y/n) had stayed up for the past four days to ensure that she would publish her fanfiction on time.

"I'll publish it tomorrow," she laid flat on her back with the book next to her, "For now, I'll rest for awhile— just five hours." And with that, the fatigue kicked in and she had fallen asleep right there and then.

Unbeknownst to her, the pages of her book were unraveling itself. The hundreds of thousands of words encased her body, bringing the book to life.

No, her wish was coming to life.


Imperial Six, it is a book of grievance and death.

With the main antagonist as (Y/n), and the protagonist as none other than Kamado Tanjiro, she strives off the sufferings of others.


What'll happen when she gets thrown into her own book?

What'll happen when somebody with a gentle and altruistic personality takes the role of a killer— a sadistic and impertinent demon?

Will the events change?

Is life in "Imperial Six" truly as easy as she thinks it is?

How will (Y/n) cope with her new role as the antagonist of her own story?

Most importantly, what'll happen to the timeline?



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edited: 7/17/20
word count: 372

imperial six, kny!various x reader Where stories live. Discover now