Testi Cover (4)

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Nama Pemesan : Tiara Mailarahmaniah Lestari

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Nama Pemesan : Tiara Mailarahmaniah Lestari

Nama wattpad : tiaramaiii

Judul cerita : Rendy Permana

Jenis cover : simpel

Genre: Fiksi Remaja

Terima kasih sudah order!^^

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Nama wp: nraziziftw

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Nama wp: nraziziftw

Judul: Alen dan Alin

Genre: Fiksi Remaja

Jenis cover: Vektor

Credit on: Pinterest

Congrats for winning the event at lintang_aksara ! Here, take your special gift!^^

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Nama wp: Shemairian_11

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Nama wp: Shemairian_11

Judul: I'm Robot

Genre: Fantasy

Jenis Cover: Manipulasi

Congratss for winning the event at lintang_aksara ! Here, take your special gift^^

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