"I'm fine" he spat back "you don't need to worry about me" Deny till you die, right?


"Stop" Kaminari chocked out, the lump in his throat growing as he tried not to cry. "I have it under control Kirishima"

Kirishima wasn't sure what to say, was he still gonna lie about this? What was he so ashamed of? It wasn't like he was the only person in class struggling, pretty much all of his entire friendship group was with the exception of Bakugou.

A tense atmosphere surrounded the two boys as they stared each other down in the small compounds of Kaminari's room...

"Ya know I barley passed that English exam, right?"

"You got a high C, that's not 'barley passing'" Kaminari spat, crossing his arms in frustration.

"Kaminari, I had to work so hard just to get that C. I would stay up with Bakugou every night studying. He actually made the material pretty understandable..."

"You think I don't put in the work?"

"No, that's not what I said I-"

"Because I do Kirishima" Kaminari interrupted "every god damn day and it still doesn't go in! No matter how hard I try I still fail! Do you know what that's like? Putting your all into something and getting absolutely nothing back?!"

"No" Kirishima mumbled "no I don't..."

Kaminari took a shakey breath, this was the first time he'd ever spoken to anyone about this...

"I know you all think I'm some sort of dumb slacker but I'm not"

"We don't think that Kami"

"I hear the jokes all of you make, and Bakugou constantly refers to me as dunce face, I-I know you're only messing around but it still hurts..." Kaminari wiped at his eye as a stray tear fell, he turned from Kirishima before more began to fall.

Kirishima felt awful. He had no idea Kaminari felt this way, he'd always thought he was in on the joke, that they were laughing with him not at him. Kirishima thought that he was good at reading people but clearly not, one of his best friends was hurting and he hadn't even noticed.

"I-I'm sorry Kami" Kirishima said, stepping toward him "I had no idea you felt this way. I'll get everyone to stop"

"No!" Kaminari panicked, turning around to face Kirishima  "I don't want anyone knowing"

"Why? They won't judge you"

"They already do Kirishima! I see the way they look at me when I can't read something in English o-or when I get a really low score on the spelling. They think I'm stupid... and maybe I am"

"You're not stupid Kami"

"Then why am I failing?! Why can't I do it Kiri?" Kaminari broke down, fat tears streaming down his face as his shoulders shook.
Kirishima took the small blonde into his arms and rubbed comforting circles on his back.

"We'll figure this out Kami, I know we will..."

2 weeks later

"Dyslexic?" Kaminari asked.

"Yes" Aizawa nodded "we believe so. I've had some professionals look over your work and they believe that would be the answer. You'll have to be tested to make sure but they believe it's pretty certain"

"Woah" Kaminari exhaled, slumping back in his chair.

"I know it's a lot to take in but this could explain why you've been struggling. I took the courtesy of going over some of your English work, specifically your spelling"

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