"I want to punch him.." Miyumi mumbled with a tick mark at her forehead.

"God this is as annoying as my brother's fangirls." Zoe said also with an annoyed expression.

"Let's go—"

"Well well well, what do we have here?"

I immediately stopped in my tracks and looked at where the voice was.

"Tch, Yui." I spat out her name in disgust.

"Sakamaki." She replied.

I looked at her tracksuit and saw the words, Aobajohsai High.

"Not these annoying three." Akari groaned.

In front of us were my past bullies, Yui, Mika and Rei. All of them were in Aobajohsai.

"Hello there big guy, care to give me your number?" Yui asked as she looked directly at... Ushi

"I have a girlfriend." He said and for a moment, Yui got flustered.

I heard snickering from Tendo, Goshiki and Shirabu.

"Well why don't you leave her for me? I'm sure I'm way prettier and sexier than her."

"But you look weird." It was hard for me not to laugh at this.

"And besides, his girlfriend is this bitch you're looking at." I smirked.

"Prettier and sexier you say? Well then why am I the number one model in Japan and not you? And honestly are you that stupid? He's the kid that saved me years ago. Why in that non-existent brain of yours would he ever leave me for you? Please look at yourself in the mirror before seducing anyone, you look even trashier than Oikawa." I said with my arms crossed.


"Well what? Sorry but I don't talk to hoes like you. Go to the dump where you and your idiotic minions belong to. Let's go." I said before entering the gym with the others following me.

"God, I wonder how we even put up with those bitches in elementary school." Fumiko sighed.

Though I settled that with my own words, I couldn't help but think. What if Ushi really does leave me?

"(Y/n)? Helloooo?" Satsuki waved her hands in front of me.

"Huh? What?" I asked looking at her.

"Hana was calling your name for at least seven times and you weren't responding." She said.

"Gomen, I was just thinking about some things." I scratched the back of my head.

"Sorry but I gotta go somewhere real quick." I said before walking away in the direction of the bathrooms.

"Hinata? What're you doing?" I asked and he immediately jumped away frightened.

"Oh! (Y/n)-chan! Sorry but I was being extra careful of the washroom."

"Eh? Why?"

"I've had bad luck with the washroom. It's a place where you run into dangerous people." He shuddered and went back to crab-walking in front of the door.

"Whatcha doin'?" I heard a voice say from behind.

Oikawa and another man was there. He had dark spiky hair. [A/N: IWA-CHAN~]

"I heard that you defeated the 2 meter guy. Well done." The one with spiky hair said.

"Yes! No!" Hinata shouted in fear.

❛ 𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐂𝐄 ❜ ━━━ (𝘂. 𝘄𝗮𝗸𝗮𝘁𝗼𝘀𝗵𝗶)Where stories live. Discover now