Chapter Three

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Hawaii And King Trollex continued to follow vision King Trollex everywhere around the castle. Hawaii let's Trollex ride her for some extra speed...

Vision Trollex: Ha ha! That maybe smart, but not smart enough to catch me! Ha ha!! *swam into a room*

King Trollex: Ugh! I can't be that annoying, right?

Hawaii gave him a click and whistle

King Trollex: Ok, when I was kid, maybe. But when I'm in my normal age,  I'm fine. And for this, this is a big disappointment. And really embarrassing if I ever do that. *swam off of Hawaii and swam to the door where Vision Trollex went into*

Trollex then opened the door and sees his parents' bedroom. He sees a family portrait of them when Trollex was a little Troll guppy on their side table. That put a warm smile on his face. But he knows he needs to focus. Looking around the room, and noticed something that he knows: Marine's tiara laying near the balcony window...

King Trollex: Ooh! Mama! *grabs the tiara and wraps it around his wrist* I love you so much!

Hawaii then gave him a weird look...

King Trollex: What? I love my mom, don't judge me. But I am judging on how and why I'm here. And finding things I remembered. Like, I remembered you were Dad's pet when he was my age. *pets her head* Until sadly you passed away. And I didn't even get a chance to meet you, until now. Whatever is happening

Hawaii gave him a nudge to his face in a loving way. Which gave him a small happy chuckle. And then he heard giggling from another room and sees Vision Trollex...

Vision Trollex: *giggled* Getting warmer, my dude! You're almost there on figuring it out! HA HA!! *swam into a secret hallway*

King Trollex: HEY!! Let's go!

Hawaii and Trollex swam into the secret hallway to see where Vision Trollex was heading into. And as they swam deeper into the hallway, it started to become a little more darker, but it's a good thing that Trollex can glow in the dark so they can see. Until suddenly, they found a big door at the end of the dark hallway. Trollex and Hawaii gave it a hard push to get an open, and when they get a chance to get it open, Trollex couldn't believe what he saw. He sees a big room filled tapestries of other Techno Trolls hanging on the walls. (Also, I don't know how to say that there is light in the room. Sooo...)

King Trollex: Whoa! What is this place?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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