Our begining

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Violet POV

The president had called me into his office I thought it would be another job request I knocked i he told me to enter I did he handed me the request form then I read it I was to go to the North to write a latter for A lady and it was a love latter I've been getting love request since princess Charlotte I didn't mind but the president looked worried and I asked the lady I was gonna write for is not so easy she never likes her latter written by any doll I was I bit worried but I would have to try dirt I nodded and took the request as I was about to leave the president spoke he wanted to know if I was free for dinner I nodded and he asked to go out for dinner I nodded he looked relieved I took it as a friendly thing and left

Hodgin POV

I asked if she was free for dinner she nodded she agreed to go out to dinner I was so happy I could jump up and down she took the request form and left I smiled as she left when she closed the door I stood up and and as a was about to leave cattleya came in a she jumped on I try to get her iron grip off but she wouldn't  budge Ithen the door opened and it was violet!!
She came to ask what time we would go I told 7 try to get cattleya off me it was no use violet left I sigh I hoped she wouldn't misunderstand this cattleya finally let go after seeing how worried l looked and she left my office

Violet POV

I forgot to ask the president what time we would go to dinner as a opened the door I saw cattleya arm's around the president neck did I interrupt something are they dating or not as my head was asking these questions I asked the president the time and he said 7 and I nodded and left I knew it was only a friendly gesture I sigh and went to my client waiting for tonight

I forgot to ask the president what time we would go to dinner as a opened the door I saw cattleya arm's around the president neck did I interrupt something are they dating or not as my head was asking these questions I asked the president the time...

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A violet heart {violet Evergarden}Where stories live. Discover now