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"Auditioner 35, please step on the stage. Introduce yourself once the camera shows a red light. Good luck!"

Deep breaths Angel, you got this...

She saw the red light flicker on and started her introduction

"Hi, I am Angel! I am 14 years old and living in the Philippines. For my audition, I will be showing my rapping and dancing skills! Please enjoy!" She said

She started off dancing to 'If You Do' by Got7. A strong power dance that showed off her fierce expressions as well as grounded moves. The song quickly flowed into a more light flowy song, 'It'z Summer's by Itzy. A quick energetic song with a warm hearted beat, followed by choreography that gave off a clean cut vibe.

Hitting every beat and step with confidence, Angel felt good about this audition. She hasn't messed up yet and felt that her expressions were showing well.

As the song ended, Angel gave off her signature wink. She bowed and walked off waiting for the rapping portion of the audition to start. For this part, Angel incorporated her own song and 'Easy' by Stray Kids.

She waited for a starter beat to sound and began to walk towards the camera. Angel put her mic near her mouth and start to rap.

Her song sample was about her messing up and being a clumsy person. Saying 'Aye Nako!' (oh my goodness or oh my God) The catchy song played on as Angel walked around showing her stage presence, walking like she owned the place.

A quick rip was heard as the song switched to Easy. Angel smirked as the people behind the camera wowed at her sudden change in duality. Rapping every part as she had practiced.

The song had ended and the staff started to clap. She bowed to them as she was directed to another room.

As Angel walked into another room, she met the man, the myth, the legend, JYP himself

She greeted him as he told her to take a seat.

"This part of the audition is an interview. Don't feel nervous or anything. We just want to know what kind of person we are accepting into our company. Okay?" JYP said, giving a warm smile.

Angel nodded, waiting for him to start the interview.

"So it says on your profile, you are from the Philippines! Why did you start to audition for Korean companies?" He started off.

"Ah well, I traveled in-between the States and the Philippines a lot. I always was heavily influenced by K-pop and started to take an interest in becoming and idol. " Angel answered

JYP nodded.

"You have a dancer background as I can see. 10 years of classical ballet, jazz, flamanco, contemporary and modern and 2 years of hip hop!"

"Yes! I started off following my older sisters and it soon became my passion! I always loved to dance!"

"What about your family background? How is your relationship with your family and you?"

'Wow that's a very personal question right there!' Angel thought.

"Oh well, once I told my parents about my dream of being an idol, they were very unsupported of it. All my sisters are in the medical field, so I guess it was hard to see their youngest daughter not take the same path. But my sisters were always supportive of me. They helped me lot."

"Well, I can already tell you that I want you in my company! Looking at your audition video, I see you have potential. I will be contacting you very soon!'

JYP stood up and shook her hand, showing her the exit after. Angel bowed and thanked him.

As Angel walked out of her room and back into the lobby, she felt a sudden weight lift off her chest.

She had done it.

She finally auditioned for JYP Entertainment.

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