Andre: The name is Andre. Andre the Smith.

His voice was quite deep but it didn't daze him.

(Y/n): My name is (Y/n). Andre if I may ask where are you from?

He didn't look like he was from here. Hell he looked nothing like the people or citizens he has seen walking around the empire.

Andre: From a far place. I used to Smith weapons for the ashened one but those days are over.

Ashened one? What the heck was he talking about? What is he? From another world?

(Y/n): Ashened one? Wha- Did ash meet fire and a flame alighteth?

The smithy laughed at this.

Andre: You have no clue. But enough about me. What brings you here to this store?

What brought him here? Well he saw the sign and noticed it was a smithy. He could use this opportunity to upgrade his Katana.

(Y/n): What are you working on back there?

Andre looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

Andre: It's none of your concern.

He wasn't buying it. If he didn't wanna talk it was definitely something worth his attention.

(Y/n): Anyway I can get you to talk?

He raised his eyebrow again and then smiled.

Uh oh.. That's where it started.. That smile.. That Damned smile..

Andre: There IS something you could do for me and if you manage to get this material for me.. Hell I will not only induldge your curiousness.. But I will reward it with the very object itself.

Material? What kind of material? Whatever it was he hoped it had to do with ice. He REALLY had a bone to pick.

(Y/n): I see.. what kind of material? Is it in a cold area? If so I think I know exactly where to get it.

Ok he REALLY had a bone to pick..

Andre: Oh no no my friend. Quite the opposite. A hot normal material. A feather of sorts.

A feather? He needed a feather for a weapon?

(Y/n): A feather?

Andre nodded his head and went to the back to retrieve an item. He came back out with a wrapped envelope.

Andre: I have sent many others.. And they have not returned.

(Y/n) nodded to himself. Because good thing he wasn't "Others".

Andre unwrapped the envelope and spread it open on the counter.

He began giving the details to him.

2 hours later with Esdeath

She slammed a book and threw another one.

Esdeath: Nothing. Nothing. NOTHING!!!

She began destroying books one by one.

Esdeath: All these books and non offer what I am searching for!!! This is useless! Useless! Useless! USELESS!!!

She brought down both her hands on the table she was reading on causing it to break in half from the strength behind her blow. She took deep ragged breaths.

Esdeath: This.. Isn't fair..

Suddenly.. as if a God gave her this miracle. A miracle for her someone who was cold as ice and found joy in killing others. Her eyes looked at the book she was about to destroy. But the title got her attention.

Akame Ga Kill x Male Reader (On Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now