something is about to happen to me

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mike pov

I visited will straight thing that morning. "do you dream bout the mind flayer sometimes"I asked "not usually . "will said playin with the walkie talkie . "so should we visit everyone else ?" will asked "that's actually a problem... I got really drunk at Lucas game. And made him a laughing stalk"mike "you drink beer? mike what happened to standards"will "I know this group... Wait will today you are gonna experience true life" I said . We rode our bikes to launce house. This would do will good . Let him escape his mind you know. Nicole opened the door . She is very pretty. "Hey mike" Nicole "you guys in?" Mike "no yet " Nicole " I brought my friend will . He needs it" Mike I pulled Will in.
Will pov
This was strange . Who knew mike was a stoner. It made him kinda cooler .
Mike pov
I took a cigarette and smoked it. I passed it to will. He took a hit. "You know how to use it ?" I asked "mom smokes mike!"will lately my trips have been werid . I see everything in two lenses .my thoughts become a reality. Oh I wanted to kiss Nicole again... never stop..

El pov
"What You broke up with him!" Max " you know how I said mike is only my first. Well I'm curtain Toby is my love" I said "el .. it gonna take a while to know... mike really did care about you" max " I had to... it just felt right " el max hugged el . " how about we spy on Dustin and Lucas !" Max " I know they are doing something so funny!" Max  "let's do it" el the tv goes static el puts her blind fold . She tries to think about Lucas and Dustin but she can't only mike.....
she's back in the void .
She see will talking with there two boys laughing. she walks more into the scene . Sees mike talking to a girl. Like the known each-other fr so long. Mikes looks into her eyes the same way he did with el. "What's happening el!" Max says. El stays quiet. They kiss . She lays her head on his shoulder . He kisses her forehead.
I ripped my blind fold off. I'm crying in Max's arms . "I lost him. I really did. " I said " what happened!" Max "mike ... he kissed a girl"I sniffed. " oh man, el come on . Mike is a bitch don't waist your time on him!" Max "you don't understand " I'm still crying.

Mike pov. I was in a launce guest room with Nicole. I felt that same feeling I had in my dream. "mike, I have to say something "Nicole "go ahead " " My mom kicked me out the house... her boyfriend has been a pain . I'm going to be staying launce "Nicole "great aslong as you're safe," I said "thanks for being there with me.. when you know that happened " Nicole was recalling a time . We both kept secret. " it was so much fun!!!"will and I rode home . "Totally!see I have fun "mike "who was that girl"will asked "Nicole... she's a friend"mike "mike I know a girl who is always touchy is not a friend "will . That night I laid in my bed what were we actually.. I don't wanna rush things in but.... the phone rang ..
"Hello" I said "mike..." a whisper the same cold chill ran on my neck. My lamp flashed off and on. Last it was completely dark. I grabbed my flashlight from my counter. And turned it on. There were the same bunches of particales in the air. Just like the up side down..... fuck my door was completely sealed . Vines grew on hit. Here was I still holding the phone that only made an static sound. "Hello , HELP HELP"I screamed I got my baseball bat and began hitting the vines to open the door. I grunted and screamed. "What do you want!!" I said a dark shadow stood in front of me. " it's what you want mike ..... don't you want a better world.." the deep voice said "get me out of here. We stopped you once we can do it again. "I said. My flashlight blinked. I was hyperventilating.

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