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Start from the beginning

I froze when I felt two arms wrapping around my chest. The person hugging me from behind dropped a kiss on my ear. My cheeks turned into a new shade of red when I noticed the smell, now lingering on my skin. Her famous cherry chapstick created a fog in my mind. God, I could never get enough.

As always, only her voice could bring me down from the stars,
"We kinda had a little ice cream war"
I new she was smiling and I couldn't help too,

"From where I'm watching, looks like you won."

She giggled in my ear and pulled away from the embrace. I missed her warmth instantly, but the gift of seing her upfront was priceless. Fortunately she had tied her hair up in a messy bun, like always. Except, now she had vanilla ice cream melting all over her red locks.
The kids and I burst out laughing watching her clean herself with little napkins.
I high-fived both of them earning a false offended look from Nicole.
I turned my gaze back to the twins,

"So? What are the plans for the rest of the day?"

Will jumped from my lap and placed one arm around his sister's shoulders,
"We wanna go swimming !! Can we Mama?"

Nicole dropped the tenth dirty napkin in the bin next to us and answered,
"Seguro cariños. But Mommy and I have to keep an eye on you at all time..."

"Can we at least run to the waterfront just to start the sandcastle?" asked Naya already getting really impatient. I smiled applying sunscreen to their freckled noses,

"Okay but no diving in the sea until we arrive. Alright angels?"

"Thank you MOMMIES!" They exclaimed in unison already running in the sand in their rainbow bathing suits.

"Their so cute..." I whispered to myself putting my stuff and theirs in a big cloth bag.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Nicole sitting on the chair next to me. I found a sense of comfort in the feeling of the sand between my toes. The sun bathing my tanned skin in a pool of warmth. Without noticing I closed my eyes and let myself drift until I leaned my cheek on her shoulder.
I let out a long sigh and a smile crept to my lips when she intertwined our hands lovingly.
I wasn't too concern about our kids. I knew Robin and Jeremy were looking after them for us.
Nicole kissed my temple softly before she whispered against my skin,

"Are you still sure about spending our summer here?"

I pulled away reluctantly from the crook of her neck so that she could hear my answer,

"I need this for my book. I mean...That's what I thought but it's not as easy as I envisioned it..."

"Cielo" she kissed the back of my hand to bring my attention back to her "There's no shame in giving up. This is not permenant. It is a vacation and I want you to enjoy it. We could always leave and come back, next month, next year or never. Whatever you need and how you need it, comes first. Like I always say-"

"When I'm ready I'll know...And I'm ready Nicole. I actually feel that being here is therapeutic in a good way"
I nodded confidently and I watched her drop another kiss on my palm,

"Well in that case, I can't be more proud of you...And before you ask and divert the conversation to me. The answer is no. I just can't."
She sat back in her chair taking a sip of my ice tea.

Hazel Eyes: A SUMMER WAYHAUGHTWhere stories live. Discover now