"HELLO? KACCHAN-" I broke into a coughing fit, tears of pain ran down my cheeks. "MIDORIYA-SAN?" I looked up in alarm- Iida.. I almost forgot he was still in the building. "IIDA-SAN! I'M BY THE STAIRCASE!" I screamed, straining my voice once more. "I CANT-" a horrible cough rang through the hallway, "I CANT MOVE" Iida sounded like he was crying out of pain. I got up and began running to the end of the hallway, and i got closer to the window at the end I saw the bluenette hunched over on the ground, wheezing from the lack of air. "Midoryia-San? Is that you..?" "I looked down apon him. He looked so helpless.. like a puppy who lost his mother. "Iida-San.. I'm so sorry.." I grabbed his arms and made my best attempt to drag him down to the stairs. "Wh-.. never mind" i decided it would be better to ask him later.

I rushed towards the door as soon as I saw the light at the end of the hallway- it wasn't the exit.. Kacchan stood in the middle of the hall. He fired a blast straight at me, I ducked and sat Iida by the wall. "Kacchan. What the hell are you doing?" I snarled, slapping him on the face, He looked down at me with a glare, "You don't belong here Deku. Go home." I stared back at him defiantly, "No. No I wont. Kacchan, you're a villain. How do you behave like this and expect to be a hero." Kacchan pushed me down, "YOU'RE THE VILLAIN YOU HAVE TO BE. ITS MY STORY AND YOU'RE THE FUCKING VILLAIN IN IT!" He screamed in my face punching and scratching at me. I kicked him in the stomach, "STOP IT LETS JUST LET IT GO ALREADY!" I yelled at him, my nose beginning to bleed. "NO YOU FUCKING STOP IT I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU" he screamed, stomping on my chest. I felt my one of my ribs break- I screamed out in pain, I couldn't feel my leg either. I ended up just taking it.I wish it didn't end like this- an arm wrapped around Kacchan's torso and shoved him to the ground. "Bakugou-San. What will you gain from this.." The ashy blonde began frantically fumbling with his gauntlets, desperately trying to fire a blast at me. Iida removed Bakugou's gauntlets. "This is no way for a Yuuei student to act." He mumbled as he restrained Bakugou by tying his arms with the capture tape. Suddenly All Might busted through the door. "What on earth is this?" He asked sternly, staring us down. As we reached the outside I fell onto the ground in defeat, blacking out.

I woke up in Recovery Girl's room. the sweet old lady was I was up and waddled over to me. "That was quite an unfortunate event back there.." she said, shaking her head side to side. I nodded back, my stiff neck cracking as I did. "When you get home you better take it easy. Those wounds are not fun to heal mister." I looked over at the other two empty beds. "Where are my friends?" I asked quietly, my mind jumping from paranoid scenario to paranoid scenario. "They're just fine dearie don't worry about either of them!" I gave a small sigh of relief before remembering, "What about Bakugou-San?" I questioned once more, messing with my gloved hands. "Bakugou-San..? Oh me oh my, my old brain of mine is failing me, he's doing just fine, as well but you and him were given letters of temporary leave because of the injuries you two sustained. It was then i realized my foot was broken. I looked down at a large cast that went from my foot up to my mid thigh. 'A H. What will okaa-San say..' i thought worriedly. "Well, Thank you for your help." I gave her a quick nod and grabbed the crutches that were stood against the bedside table. I began hobbling my way towards the entrance.

"Hey kid." A scratchy voice beckoned. I turned around, "AI-Aizawa-sensei" i greeted him. "I have some questions for you. Regarding what happened during our training.." I nodded, "what is it?" I asked impatiently. "Well-" "Actually- Why don't you check the cameras?" I interrupted. 'God I want to go home so badly.' "That's the thing, kid. The cameras were destroyed in a blast. I need to know if Bakugou-san's intentions were malicious or not." I shook my head no, "Bakugou might be a terrible person but i know when he gets angry he doesn't think before he acts. he might have planned to go to a place with less cameras but he wouldn't destroy them purposely." Aizawa nodded, his greasy black hair bobbing along with the rest of his head. "Did he intend to kill you?" I made a face at that statement, "No definitely not. He just doesn't know how to control his anger, and when he goes into a fit he'll burn shit up." Eraser Head sighed, "You can go home now. REcovery Girl and All MIGht both want you to take a day or two off. And of course I'd prefer if it if you were able to make the full recovery as soon as possible so make sure when you come back you come back healthy. And dont cause anymore problems for us." I nodded yes to him before turning back towards the exit. "You're forgetting your backpack." AIzawa-Sensei called after me, I groaned and began wobbling back to retrieve my backpack.

I barely made it outside Yuuei's front doors before i realized if i didn't call someone to drive me home, i wouldn't make it back before 10:00. I reluctantly unzipped the front pocket of my black backpack and called my mother. SHe answered the phone almost immediately. "IZUKUUU-TAAAAN" she wailed as soon as she picked up. "ARE YOU OK???!! WHERE ARE YOUUU???!" I smiled to myslef, shes worrying just as usual. "I'm ok Okaa-san I'm still at school-" "Well thank heaven you're safe and sound! I would've called the cops if you didn't call by 9." She sniffled on the other end and blew into a tissue. "But Okaa-san could you come pick me up? I'm really sorry but..." I tried to think of a lie so she wouldn't try to take me out of Yuuei, but i decided against it. "I'm a little hurt.." "IZUUUUKUUU!!!!" I could hear the water works begin again. Eventually I calmed her down and she came and picked me up in her beat up four seater. As soon as she saw me she screamed and ran over to me, crying. She gave me a hug for the first time in a very long while. During the car ride back it was almost silent except for the faint piano music she played. I unzipped my backpack and instead of finding homework i saw a wad of sticky notes covering my binder and journals. I smiled to myself.

 I smiled to myself

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