Chapter 3

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"Listen. Midoriya-kun let me say that I do have the power to expel you whenever and wherever I wish." I nodded in agreement, while trying to inch away from Aizawa-sensei's tight grasp on my shirt collar. "If you make one wrong move-" The raven haired teacher gritted his teeth together, "I will not hesitate." I nodded once again, "Whatever you say." I replied, smacking his hand away from my tie, "After all you have complete authority over me don't you?" I stated blandly as I walked out classroom 1-a's door.

"Tch those fake heroes really piss me off." I grumbled under my breath as I made my down to the cafeteria I kicked a pebble that was in my way (honestly you'd think that the top hero school would have clean hallways but no). I watched it bounce once, twice, three times until it stopped in front of someone's shoe. "Midoriya-san." I knew that voice well and I hated it.

"All Might." I acknowledged, trying to walk past him, but of course he wanted to chat with me. "May I have a word?" I turned around, "What." I had no tone etched into my voice, letting my question become a statement. "It's about my quirk."

"Bullshit." He looked stunned, "I-I- wh-a-at?" His face was idiotic, like he didn't expect there was a single hero in training that could possibly hate him. "You heard me. Now take that shit and stuff it back up your ass where it belongs. I don't want your lame ass quirk nor do I need it." I growled, "I'm not the pitiful child I once was so you can leave me alone."

The Symbol of Peace struggled to find his words again, "I just assumed that you would want a quirk..." I forced back a rude laugh, "I have a quirk now I certainly can make do with this one." I pushed him out of my way, "I'll take my leave now."

'Is this really how all heroes act? Rude, temperamental and arrogant? Well on that case Kacchan is bound to fit right in.' I thought, while walking past a sign labled Lunch Rush, into the cafeteria. It was crowded but then again I'm not sure what I was expecting with each of the three grades having 11 different classes. I sighed and walked over to one of the cafeteria lines and stood there for a while, waiting to get to the front of it.

Once I had gotten my lunch I looked around the spacious room for an empty seat where I could eat unbothered. I quickly spotted one and walked over to the small table. I set down my tray and ate a bit of katsudon. Then a bit more. Until it was gone in the course of only five minutes.

I then walked back over to the lunch counter labled, Dirty Dishes Here! With a caricature of the mouse-like principal next to it, and set down the tray.

The lunch hour had gone by quicker than I was used to but I didn't really care- I was here to become a hero not to eat truckloads of katsudon. I walked quickly back to our classroom to finish up the rest of the school day.

And just like that school was over. Sure my high school life didn't start off with a bang but at least I didn't get expelled (even if the reason was talking back to the teacher).

"I'm home mom." I called out into the small apartment I called home. "Oh! Hi honey! How was your first day of school?" I gave a small smile, "It was really great mom." I lied while taking off my red shoes and walking down the hallway to my room. "Homework already?" I nodded, "Yeah but its really easy." She called back, "Ok honey dinner will be ready soon."

I spent about fifteen minutes more than I should've on homework, I being forgetful, accidentally disintegrated four goddamn pencils because my gloves were not cooperating with the anti-quirk serum today as per usual. But luckily I managed to finish my English, math and traditional Japanese homework easily about an hour before my mother called me into the kitchen for dinner.

"Its just udon I couldn't manage to make a lot because of lack of time." She explained as I settled into the chair across from her. I had just doused my gloves into a bucket of the special liquid so I didn't disitegrate the chopsticks, even if my mother did give me the shitty broken ones because of my quirk.

"Thanks mom it's really good! Everything you make is wonderful!" I chortled happily. My mother cleared her throat, I looked up from my dinner, "Yeah?" She slid a printout across our table so I could read it, "Izuku I want to know what's up with this." I picked it up from the table, dreading the contents of the paper.

Dear Midoriya Inko,
Your son has expressed hostility towards some of Yuuei's staff as of today, ○○/□ □/□. If your son's delinquent-like behavior continues throughout this semester we will put him into anger therapy classes.

"Izuku you've grown lots sense the accident a couple months ago- and that's good of course- but if your personality causes you to get in trouble, that's bad. Ok?" I nodded, "Yeah ok... sorry Oka-san." She grinned knowingly, "Good! Now eat!" I smiled, "Now eat!" I declared.

Hey there. So I accidentally unpublished my entire story :/ it's good that I didnt delete it but it was alarming. So yeah.

▪To Ashes▪quirk Deku au▪Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang