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As the night went on, they began to get more and more drunk, Lewis being the most drunk out of everyone. Alex was checking out his instagram when Lewis came up behind him. Before he could even turn around, Lewis had snatched his phone out of his hand. Alex protested and reached for his phone, but Lewis had it held high above his head, and being the taller of the 2, however high Alex was jumping, he couldn't reach his phone. Since it was unlocked, Lewis decided to do an instagram story, being drunk off his head. He pressed the video button and said into the camera,"I just thought now would be a good time to say that......"Alex kissed his cheek, but he was too drunk to even care."Me and Alex....... ARE OFFICIAL!!!!!!!" He leaned down and kissed Alex's hair. They both smiled into the camera and suddenly, the video was over. The 2 burst out laughing, everyone else looking at them confused but quickly returning back to their own conversations.

After a while, he decided to rob Alex's phone again, this time recording a video saying that gays live forever, which Alex was very confused by. Lewis got really, really drunk that night, running around the flat screaming all sorts of things like "VIVA LA GAYS" and going around to everyone, telling them all about how much he loved Alex and how happy he was that they were dating, obviously they weren't, but in Lewis's drunk fantasy world, they were. "Can't wait for when it's just the 2 of us and george is gone to bed" he said to Joe 1 with a wink. Alex started to blush as he realised that Joe wasn't the only person who'd heard that, and the whole room erupted with laughter. " 'Ere Alex, mate! I don't know about the rest of you guys" shouted George looking at Alex and then around to everyone else, "But in that case, I'm off to bed" Alex was nowhere near as drunk as Lewis and didn't know what to think. He laughed it off, hoping that everyone knew it was a joke and Lewis wouldn't catch on to how red he had begun to get.

A/N : Sorry this chapter is short and i haven't updated in ages but i honestly don't know what to do with it. I'll probably stop basing it off of real life things but I don't know how to write this. Should i make them date straight away and then have obstacles or have the obstacles first and then they date? Please comment ideas :) 

𝑼𝑺 - ImAllexx x Lewis BuchanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora