He totally wasted every effort he did to have me and I'm sure once my dad finds out that he cheated, he'll have to say goodbye in this world.

Ha, even after breaking my heart I still have the nerve to protect him? I hate how he had the effect on me. As much as I wanted to tell my family about my pain so they could help me cope with it, there's a part of me that didn't want them to despise Baekhyun. Was I hoping that we'd go back to normal and that this is just a dream?

I was just spacing out, thinking of the times I'd have Baekhyun around during the weekends and see him pacing all over the place. I hate to admit it but I miss him and I try not to feel that way by reminding myself that he's a cheater but I still miss everything about him.

A smell of the food my sister is making suddenly filled the whole house. Her eyes widened as she shot up to sit. "I totally forgot I'm cooking! Here, play this for me!" then he thrusted her phone into my hands and dashed towards the kitchen. I was instantly pulled out of my thoughts.

"You peice of- why did you even play in the middle of cooking!" I glanced on the screen and saw a notice saying that I should move her character or it will be on idle so I quickly pressed the screen and dragged the game character towards another one and pressed the other side of the screen to shoot. "Interesting." I spoke after killing one enemy.

When I found out that Baekhyun has been cheating on me with a teammate from a game, I started hating every game the world has to offer. Even those for babies, I despised them too. I never tried playing games again while dwelling on the break up but this one totally got my mind off of Baekhyun as I had my tongue poking out of focus with my fingers swiping across the screen a little harshly. Soon after, the game ended, then announcing that the team where my sister belong had won. Below her name was the word 'Starplayer'.

"Wow, you're the starplayer." I rotated my head to look behind and saw my other sister peeking from the back of the couch.

"What does that mean?"

She rounded the couch and sat beside me. "Meaning you contributed the most to achieve the team's victory," she shrugged her shoulders. Hearing that I am probably the reason why the team won, made me smile. "Why don't you try playing that game? It seemed to have lifted up your mood."

"Okay, I'm gonna try."

And that's how I installed the game 'Brawl Stars' on my phone and carefully followed the instructions about how to play it. Now that I'm more knowledgeable as to how the game works, I find it easy to win and increased my trophies for get more brawlers for a short time.

I enjoyed playing it a lot that I slowly forgot the pain Baekhyun brought to me. Everytime I get reminded of how I found out that he cheated on me, I play the game to distract myself and I've never had such effective distraction compared to eating all the foods in our fridge and cry out my ex's name. He doesn't matter to me now and I don't care if I'll accidentally blurt out to my family that we actually had broken up and he cheated on me, I'll just laugh at him being murdered and my smiling face will be his last sight before leaving this world.

A month playing Brawl Stars, I gained thousands of trophies and a bunch of awesome brawlers that I rarely get defeated.

"Y/n, go and have sunlight at least for few seconds!" my sister walked into my room and proceeded to open the curtains and let the light inside my dark room. "Go out on dates with Baekhyun or whatsoever! It's been a month and you're still fighting?"

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