Hair's up
With no make-up
You're beautiful just like that

And when you walk into my life
I break a smile
Just like that

He continued walking until we were only a meter away from each other. I couldn't find it in me to look away from his eyes.

You're only half 10 feet
But I can lean on your shoulder
You make everything fine
When my world gets colder

Like the sun in the morning
Like the moon at night
You bring light into my life
Just like that

Lalalalalalala lalalalalalala
Lalalalalalala lalalalalalala
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh

I thought he would end the song, but I was a bit dumbfounded when he continued singing and playing the guitar.

Your eyes
Like the stars
You're shining just like that

And when you walk into my life
I break a smile
Just like that

My lips parted, knowing that he already finished writing the song that he wrote for me as a graduation gift.

Your heart
As pure as white
Your smile
Saved me that night

One look
And I surrender
My heart
Is yours forever

Cause when you walk into my life
I break a smile
Just like that

My eyes were getting blurry as tears started to cloud my vision. My hands were shaking due to excessive happiness. My body wanted move but I was stuck in place.

You're only half 10 feet
But I can lean on your shoulder
You make everything fine
When my world gets colder

Like the sun in the morning
Like the moon at night
You bring light into my life
Just like that

Lalalalalalala lalalalalalala
Lalalalalalala lalalalalalala
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh

I love you
Just like that

Once he was done singing the song, his lips slowly showed a smile, making my heart skip a beat. Eyes of hazel stared at mine without shying away.

Unable to say anything, my lips parted to release a breath in surprise and disbelief.

I wasn't over the unexpected event yet, but Isaiah didn't waste any more time. He carefully put the guitar beside the sofa and picked up the bouquet of roses.

Like we weren't close enough for him, he took three more steps, erasing the distance left in between us.

"I finally finished writing the song," he told me, and I could feel that he took pride in the beautiful song he wrote which is dedicated to me. "I don't think I've been very vocal about my feelings for you, so I decided to finish the song in thoughts of finally telling you how I truly feel."

I held his stare as he held mine.

"I believe that I'm not really good at anything else besides writing songs and singing," he said and chuckled a bit. "But I hope my sincerity is enough to make you say yes."

As I pursed my lips, I remembered my struggle last night. I was having a hard time trying to think of ways on how to say yes to him, without knowing that something like this would happen.

"Please accept me, Zendaya..." The way his eyes gaze made me feel like he was pleading for me to say yes. It was brimming with hope and fear at the same time. "Please be my girlfriend..."

Invisible Line in BetweenWhere stories live. Discover now