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It was drizzling since dawn, stopped then and now. The coarse high grass moving slowly with the wind. The insects in action. The achromatic sky, the day was aesthetic indeed.

It was getting dark. The vehicles on the road competing with her, hurrying in the rain. It was tiring managing people and new batches of kids everyday in the museum, she thought as she drove. But then again, the opportunity of observing a building full of ethreal pieces of art from the inside was a privilege.

The car came to a halt as the red single flashed. It was the Eloise Plaza, adequately filled with people even with all the mud and puddles. Alongside the dumpling's shop, was a preschooler stading in the mizzle with her parents. Their eyes glistening like fresh dewdrops on a leaf as they laughed. Something about the sight was alluring, she couldn't look away.

Curses to the inconsistency of human brain. In mere seconds she was reverting to her memories. To the time she was young, to the time everything was inexplicably wrong at home and she couldn't help but fall deeper into the abyss of self hate. How she felt like an emotional hostage. With every denial from them, was another trauma. She cried in her small poetries, none of which she remembers. The urge of running away to some distant land. Took several tries but stopped midway until one day, she did succeed. All these years she was heedless of what followed at her home after her flight. What mattered to her was the fact she was now as free as a bird. Seven years later, the memories were still fresh as a daisy and flashed before her eyes looking at the child. She shuddered for a moment before comimg back to reality. The family was not there anymore, unknowingly she was waiting there for minutes while all the other cars left after the green signal. She moved on.

Something respawned inside her soul as she hurried to a small stationary shop near her apartment, bought a postcard and headed home. With the same triumph one feels returning home after a long journey, she began filling the postcard with words of hope and longing never said before. The sentimental being's heart stirred up as she wrote the name on the top, her father's name.

She sprinted to the post office at the day break.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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