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"Ugh, I forgot about homecoming." Bucky was hanging upside down, his legs on his bed and his head hovering above the carpet. "And before you say 'It's our senior year! We gotta go!'," He made his voice higher to imitate Steve. "That's a load of bullsh-"

"Language!" From his spot on the floor, Rogers interjected. He moved back a bit as his friend made wild grabs for him, undoubtedly to shake or tickle him for cutting him off. They both laughed, but didn't drop the subject. "We haven't been since freshman year. I think we should give it a shot."

Groaning, Bucky rolled his eyes. "You're just saying that cuz you got a date, I bet. Lemme guess, beggy Peggy?"

"Don't call her that." Although Steve sounded stern, he couldn't help the smile that made its way onto his features. "And no, thats not... not entirely true."

"Entirely? Ooooo, Mr. Rogers. How scandalous!" The brunette flipped around, crawling onto the carpet and placing himself in front of Steve. "Spill."

Instead of answering, the smaller of the two began turning pink. From his ears to the base of his neck, he'd gone rose. He opened his mouth to speak, but could only hide in the neck of his sweater.

Bucky grabbed him by the shoulders, looking deep into his eyes. A dangerous game, to be sure. He could've drowned in those pools, but he needed to decipher his best friend's thoughts. "I got it. I can read you like a book."

"W-what am I thinking?" Rogers mumbled, staring back at Barnes with bewilderment.

Releasing his friend, Bucky sat back onto his butt. "You have a crush, obviously. You wanna ask her, but you don't know what she'll say."

"... And?"

"And... you're scared." Barnes frowned. He tilted his head to the left, examining the blonde once more. "Why?" Of course, it hurt Bucky to see Steve falling for someone else, taking the attention away. He'd lived it before, however, and knew he could handle it.

"Well, I'm really good friends with this... person." Rogers chewed his bottom lip for a moment before running a hand through his dandelion hair. "I don't wanna drive them away."

Bucky's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "That doesn't exactly narrow it down. You're friends with everyone. Plus, since when do you care what other people think?"

"I like other people to like me, what can I say?" Steve lied. He really didn't care about whether someone liked him or not. The only opinions that mattered to him were his own... and Bucky's.

"And you said 'them.' Like you were denying that it was a girl-" Bucky would have continued his deduction, but he noticed the other's eyes filling with tears. He didn't know what to do, so he just took the smaller boy's face in his hands. "Hey, don't do that. Tell me what's wrong."

Steve's bottom lip wobbled as he tried to speak. He sniffled, finally managing, "I'm bisexual."

Drawing his best friend in for a hug, Barnes felt a rather selfish explosion of warmth in his gut. It was giddy, happy, and made him feel like he could run a marathon. "I'm so proud of you for telling me, Stevie." He whispered, petting the other's hair with a tenderness that was very rare in James Buchanan Barnes. Although, he was confused as to why Rogers had been nervous to tell him. Bucky was openly gay, as he had been for at least a year at that point.

It wasn't telling Bucky that made Steve break apart. It was admitting it aloud. Saying something with your tongue and your teeth makes it real. Horrifyingly real. You think you know yourself, and then life throws you a curveball. He cried into Bucky's shirt, to let some steam out of the pressure cooker that was Steven Grant Rogers. There'd never be shame in tears - not in the Barnes household.


At school the next day, there were a multitude of homecoming proposals. Clint asked Natasha, who declined. She then pulled a stuffed bear from her backpack and asked him instead. Tony asked Stephen, obviously. Although it was a given that they would go together, Stark had to make a show out of everything. Strange didn't mind the attention, but could've done without the pictures.

Bruce tried to ask Thor without anyone noticing, but was put on the spot when Loki asked rather loudly, "Are you seriously about to make a homecoming proposal to my brother?" Everyone turned their attention, but Odinson shut them all up by grabbing Banner's face and planting a smooch onto his lips. He said yes to the proposal.

Loki and Wanda Maximoff were going as friends, as were T'challa and Okoye. Sam didn't have a date, which made Bucky nervous. He could deal with a complete stranger dating his best friend, but not someone he'd see every day.

However, Steve didn't end up asking anyone to homecoming. He kept telling Barnes that he'd 'do it later.'


"Are you and Steve close?" Bucky had gotten desperate enough to go to someone he never thought he'd ask for help.

"What? Aren't you two best friends or whatever?" Tony Stark shut his locker, having to look very slightly upwards at Barnes. It did nothing to diminish his confidence.

Shoving his hands deep into the pockets of his leather jacket, Bucky forced a chuckle. "Yeah, that's the problem. Listen, I can't have you running your mouth about what I'm about to tell you, Stark."

The genius drew in a deep sigh, already tired of their conversation. "Don't worry, pretty boy, I already know about your raging man crush."

"What?!" Barnes choked on his spit, coughing into his elbow for a moment. "That's not- I dont-"

"Hush. Hysteric is not a good look on you." Distaste played about in Tony's whiskey-colored eyes. "Anyway, yeah. It's obvious, Jimmy. Besides, Stephen tells me whatever he sees, and he's real good at reading people. Did you know he wanted to be a neurosurgeon? God, he's gorgeous." Stark blinked himself out of his trance, scoffing at himself. "Anyway, It's not gossip, it's a two-way street. It stays between us."

Bucky had to take a moment to soak in everything Tony had said. Why was he being so talkative? No, that wasn't the right question. Stark was always talkative. The real question was: why was he being so helpful? "How do I tell him?" The words came out on their own.

Something that could only be described as an evil smirk grew across Tony's face. He let it fall, shrugging his shoulders. "Homecoming. Ask him. Dance with him. Kiss him. Live a long, happy life." Without explanation, the teen held his right hand out to the side. Barnes was about to ask why, but the hand was soon held by a larger, slimmer one. Stephen. He was laughing and grinning at his boyfriend, who seemed to completely forget that Bucky was even there. Tony looked genuinely happy with his partner, and as Bucky walked away, he couldn't help the jealous feeling that wormed its way into his heart.

He had to do something.

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