"It's more than wonderful," I said, "Mom, this is awesome." She smiled at me and walked through another pair of double doors. A desk was set in front of a painting of women. A bookshelf sat up against a wall. My mother sat in the leather chair and waved me inside. I ran over to the bookshelf, running my hand over the books. The fabric cover felt ruff, and the golden written titles felt smooth. 

"Don't touch those," She said, resting her arm on the chair. I retracted my hand from the leather-covered books and sat in the chair across from her. "What did you want to show me?"

"Seriously," she said, "This! This is what I wanted to show you, Y/N."

"You showed me a secret building with books and....." I trailed, thinking back to what she did with the door. I jumped up from the chair and waved my arms around. "Oh my god! You can do magic!" I added. She sighed and rested her head on her hand.

"See, this is why I didn't want to tell you," she said, "You get too excited about this stuff."

"Do you expect me not to be excited that my Mother  can do magic?"

She raised her eyebrows and motioned me to sit down. "Sorry," I apologized. "I need to ask you a question," she said. I nodded and leaned back in the chair. "Now," My Mother sighed, "We are inducting seven students into this society. Since you are my daughter and I am in charge of you. I have decided for you to shadow me and see how The Order goes about things." I smiled in excitement. My thoughts immediately went to what Jack, Randall, and I had discussed at The Blade and Chalice. "Bad people, bro. Hitler, George W. Bush, and some other weird ass people," Randall's voice echoed throughout my head.

What if he was right? Could this society be a group of evil people? Or am I just overreacting? "Y/N/N," my mother waved her hand, "You didn't answer my question."

"Oh, sorry. What was it?"

"Would you like to shadow me?"


Our conversation was interrupted by someone barging into the room. I looked behind me and saw Alyssa Drake. She wore a black cloak and held a white mask in one hand. "Ms. Drake, care to explain why you barged into my office?" My mother said, standing up from her desk. "I-I'm sorry, Grand Magus, I didn't know you had company."

Grand Magus? "I guess I should've told you all that I was bringing someone," Mother said. I looked back and forth at the two, trying to wrap my head over everything that had happened in 30 minutes. "Ms. Drake, this is my daughter Y/N," my mother motioned me to stand. "We've already met," Blondie said.

"And that is....."

"She did a tour of the campus," I said, leaving out the part about Jack Morton. My mother nodded her head, "Good to know."

"Ms. Drake, will you please escort my daughter out of the temple," my mother said, sitting back down. "What about my professor?" I asked.

"Already taken care of."

Alyssa grabbed my arm and ushered me out of the building. I looked behind me and saw my mother wave her hand, and the double doors slammed shut.


(Later That Night) 

The lamp's glow lit up my room; I could see the moonlight shining into the dorm. My English book and notes laid on my bed. I slammed the book shut, happy to have finally finished my studies. I checked the time on my clock; it read: 8:30. I grabbed my purse, room key, and phone as I finally decided to take a break. The cold air hit me as I stepped out of the dormitory. Some students walked around with friends or by themselves. The wind whipped the trees, causing leaves to fly everywhere.

I walked passed The Blade and Chalice; I heard some students laugh with their friends. As I was walking, I heard a rustling coming from the bushes. "Hello?" I called, looking through the forest. The moonlight shined on the dirt ground, giving me a little sliver of light. "Can't believe I'm about to do this," I muttered. My feet stepped on dead leaves and tree branches, making a crunching sound.

"Hello?" I repeated, "Anyone out-" My sentence was cut short by someone or something crashing into me. "Y/N," they said. I looked up and noticed Jack Morton hovering over me. My cheeks grew red from embarrassment. I pushed him off and rose to my feet. We heard a growling noise coming from the left of us. "Run," he said, quickly getting up from the dirt floor.

"No shit Sherlock!"

I looked behind me and saw a giant animal chasing after us. I fumbled for my phone and quickly took a photo of the creature. We ran faster in the woods while dodging multiple tree branches. We stopped at a clearing in the forest, breathing heavily. I looked down at the photo and saw the animal's silver eyes and a flash of fur. "You saw that too, right?" he asked, gulping. I nodded vigorously. "My day just keeps getting weirder and weirder," I mumbled. "What do you mean?" Jack asked. 

"I don't know if I'm necessarily allowed to tell you that," I responded. Jack looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Ahem," we heard someone clear their throat. I looked ahead and saw two figures wearing black cloaks—the Order.

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