Chapter 2

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Weiss's POV:

I awake to the sound of birds from the outside. I groggily sit up rubbing my eyes I look around the room "where am I?" I wondered. I began to remember the events of yesterday "oh...right..." I remembered rolling out of bed. I perk up when the smell of pancakes fill my nose. I was about to open the door when Ruby opened it now standing only a few inches away from me. "Oh morning Weiss breakfast is ready," Ruby said with a kind grin. I couldn't help but blush as I starred into her silver eyes. I quickly back up a bit I clear my throat "I...I'll be right t...there..." I squeak awkwardly. Ruby smiles walking down the hall out of sight. I walk over to the dresser looking at the clothes Ruby left me. I pick up a red and black stripped t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. "She really likes black and red..." I thought as I looked in the mirror. I noticed a whole in the back of the jeans it was purposely cut out. I sighed a bit annoyed "this must be for her tail" I thought walking down the hall. I walked down the stairs I didn't know where the kitchen was. I limp with the crutches looking around confused on where to go. "Are you lost?" Someone said from behind me. I turn my head coming face to face with Ruby's sister yang. "Oh um... good morning yang...y...yeah I'm where's the kitchen?" I asked feeling nervous as she loomed over me. She kept her serious expression "c'mon I'll show you," yang said walking past me. I follow behind her having trouble keeping up with her due to my ankle. We finally made it to the large dining room. My eyes land on Ruby digging into her pancakes she notices me our eyes locking. "Morning Weiss we have pancakes my dad makes the best," she said pulling out the chair next to her. I sheepishly sit next to her starring at the warm plate of pancakes Infront of me it had a big smiley face made with bacon and banana slices. I take a bite of the pancake my eyes widen as I chew "holy hell these are amazing!" I thought as I gobble the pancakes. I was pulled out of my food trance by Ruby giggling. I blush "her laugh is so pretty...wait what am I thinking I'm" I wonder as I stare at her. "What are you giggling about?!" I ask flustered. "You just look really funny when you ate...I thought you would be all fancy smansy," she said with a warm smile. "So how long do you think you'll be staying with us?" Tai asked with a grin. I think for a moment "I'm...not sure I won't be able to walk for a week without crutches...and I have no where to go after..." I mutter the last part not wanting to be a burden. Tai and Ruby smiled "you can stay here!" Ruby said placing her hand on my shoulder. My eyes widen in surprise "r... really...?" I mutter shocked. Ruby nodded enthusiastically I glance at Tai who nodded with a big smile. Out of the corner of my eye I notice yang glaring at me with suspicion in her eyes.
I ignore her gaze focusing on Ruby.
"Good morning everyone," came a voice from behind me. I turn my head to see a tall werewolf man with black hair and grey eyes his tail and ears had a white tip. "Who is he...?" I wondered as his eyes glared at me. "I've heard the news of our wall... aren't you far away from you mansion schnee?" He spat glaring at me. I stay silent avoiding eye contact I heard Ruby sigh "she's going to be staying with us uncle praxis..." Ruby spat glaring back at him her eyes filled with hatred. He grunts "so Ruby...have you found a boyfriend yet?" He asked crossing his arms. Ruby stayed silent for a moment "no..." Was all she mumbled. She stands from her chair "excuse me..." She muttered walking out of the room.
Yang and Blake glanced at each other
"What's wrong with her?" I wonder following after her. I noticed a trail of rose petals leading upstairs. I follow the trial upstairs to a balcony where Ruby stood. I walk over to her I hear her sniff as she whips her eyes "she's... crying..." I thought sympathetically. "Ruby...what's wrong?" I asked standing next to her. Ruby avoided looking at me not talking I feel sympathy. I place my hand on her shoulder she flinches slightly. She looks into my eyes I smile back. She sighs "that bastard of a uncle I have wants me to get a boyfriend...but I don't want a boyfriend..." She whispered looking down. I grow curious "why...?" I asked raising my eyebrow. She hesitates "you...won't tell anyone...right...?" She asked holding out her pinkie. I smile wrapping my pinkie around hers. She looks back at the sky "I...I'm gay..." She muttered. My eyes widen "yang and Blake are the only ones who know..." She whispered snapping me out of my thoughts. I smile "just because your gay doesn't mean you're a bad person I...I should know..." I mutter. I had the idea that I was gay ever since I was a kid. "You're not alone...I'm your friend..." I said pulling her into a hug without thinking. When I realized what I was doing I felt my cheeks heat up. I felt better when I felt her hug back "thank you princess," she whispered. "So we're friends...?" She asked looking into my eyes with a hopeful smile. I think for a moment "yes, we're friends," I say grabbing my crutches. Ruby's tail was wagging quickly "cute..." I thought she walks Infront of me.

I sat on my bed starring at my family photo. I stare at father in the photo I glare at it taking out a marker from the desk. I draw over my father's face "I don't wanna see him anymore..." I thought bitterly. I sigh exiting my room walking or limping down the hall. I pass by Yangs room hearing Ruby's voice from inside.
"We can't trust her Ruby...she could be a SDC spy," yang argued with Ruby.
"Yang! She was injured when I found her she was almost killed by Grimm...just because she's a schnee doesn't mean she's like her father," Ruby argued back. "I saw her bruises she definitely hates that bastard..." She muttered walking over to yangs desk leaning against it. "I trust her yang and I'm the alpha I decide if she stays or leaves and, I say she stays that is final...please trust me on this..." Yang pleads her sister. "How can you trust her...her family is the reason mom is...not with us..." Yang muttered the last part. This must've angered Ruby she slammed her fist on the desk making me jump. "Her the one who took mom away...not her," Ruby said with a serious expression. Yang sighed " are my sister and I trust and love I trust your judgement..." Yang said hugging Ruby.
I couldn't help but, smile as I continued to walk down the hall. I noticed a rather large door "hm...wonder where this goes...?" I limped in the room. It was a training room filled with training dummies and fighting equipment. "Huh a training room...this will be useful when my ankle heals," I said for some reason speaking my thoughts.
The door slammed behind me causing me to jump I turn my head quickly to see Ruby's uncle praxis. "What are you doing here human...?" He asked looming over me glaring at me.
A shiver goes through my spine "I...I was just looking around...sir..." I mutter feeling nervous.
"I don't understand my foolish nieces choice to allow you to stay... especially after what you father did to my sister... Ruby's mother he killed her..." He spat glaring into my eyes. My heart sinks into my stomach "w...what...?" I mutter shocked as I feel my eyes widen. "Your father ruined her childhood..." He spat nothing but venom in his voice.
"You're probably a SDC spy here to ruin are way of life even more than humans have already killed our kind..." He said circling me. He grabbed me by my shirt "YOU'RE KIND ARE NOTHING BUT MURDERS AND LIARS RUBY SHOULD'VE LEFT YOU TO DIE!!" He screamed in my face. "LET HER GO!!" Ruby's voice could be heard from behind. Praxis slowly turned to face Ruby not letting go of me. " care about this filthy human...?" He asked his hold on me tightening.
"Yes I do I care about let her may be my uncle but I am the have to listen to me..." Ruby glared at her uncle he grunts letting me go. He walks past Ruby stopping "you'll regret this..." He muttered ominously walking out of the room. Ruby rushes over to me "Weiss are you ok?!" Ruby asked with a worried expression. "Yeah....i'm fine...thank you Ruby..." I muttered still thinking about what Praxis said.

I sat on my bed as Ruby paced back in forth. I look at her expression she seems to be lost in thought. "Ruby...?" I ask catching her attention. She stops pacing and looks at me "yes Weiss?" She replies looking into my eyes.
I hesitate to ask my question "why...why did you save me...?" I asked starring back at her my icy blue eyes looking into her silver eyes. "Why wouldn't were in danger I wasn't just gonna let you die...I was raised to value all life...but....what my uncle said was true...I was hurt by a group of humans when I was little...they hurt me and one day I had I...." she hesitated removing her gaze from me to the floor.

"I killed them......"

I felt my eyes widen...I couldn't believe it. "Ruby's killed people...but...she seems so innocent..."
I was drawn from my thoughts by Ruby speaking. she sighed "you probably think i'm a monster....I don't blame you...that's what all humans and even faunus have ever seen in me..." she muttered. "Well...I'll leave you alone..." She whispered walking to the door. I quickly shoot up forgetting about my injury I hug her from behind "wait...don't go...I don't think you're a monster...." I whisper holding onto her tightly. I feel her tense muscles relax as she returns my hug I feel something drip onto my shoulder.
"Thank you...." she whispered.
after a few moments of us hugging she lets go of me I  look up to look into her eyes.
she looks away quickly and, I swear I see a blush on her cheeks. "W...Well I should go I have a meeting tomorrow with the alphas of the nearby packs...I...I'll see you tomorrow...goodnight..." she says waving slightly as she walks out gently closing the door.
I fall back onto my bed just starring at the ceiling I began to picture Ruby's smile in my brain. I feel my cheeks heat up I cover my face with my hands.

"oh no.....i'm falling for that dolt.......  

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