
After all the fighting and cussing in the car, Mason and Avery successfully made it to the restaurant without any of them getting hurt and dying.

"So princess, how have you been?" Mason asked after they sat at a safe corner in the dinner.

"I've been okay. At least I don't drown in my sorrows anymore" Avery replied.

"Come on don't say that" Mason chastised.

"Don't say what, its true because I'm better now" Avery answered.

Mason stared at her like he could read her every thought.
Avery knew the look Mason was giving her, in the past that look made her blurt out what was on her mind. And not to forget, Mason knows her. He could read her like a book.
"Oh really what about the sad..."

"Let's order please, I'm hungry" Avery quickly interrupted knowing what he was about too say. She wasn't about to open any old book just yet. She needed time.


"You know you can't keep doing this to yourself" Mason said.

"Do what?" Avery asked confused at what he was saying.

"This! You can't keep pretending that everything is okay Avery. I know you're hurting, why don't you let it out" Mason said frustratingly.
He knew the game Avery was playing. The game of 'everything is okay', he knew the game destroys at the end. That was the same game Damon played and look where that game got him. He never wants the same for Avery. She's like his little sister.
Some of the patients he treated were also like this which did not turn out very good.

"I'm okay" Avery replied trying her hardest to not crack especially in public.

"Oh really" he asked mockingly

"Yes really"

"Fine. Let's talk"

"We are talking Mason. Stop speaking in riddles what do you mean" Avery asked. She was getting tired of his little games.

"I mean, let's talk about you" Mason answered innocently.
"How have you been" he added.

"Where is all this going Mason, did you call me out here to do this"

"Do what. I'm not doing anything. I called you here so we could talk and so far I have been the only one talking. What is wrong with you!" Mason yelled.

"You know what, its about to rain, I'm going home" Avery said observing the weather through the window  as she grabbed her bag beside her and stood up.

"You are going nowhere. Talk to me" Mason grabbed her arm and pulled her down.
"What is wrong with you, you have changed a lot" Mason couldn't help but voice out.

"Changed you say" Avery mocked followed by a humorless chuckle. "Of course I would change Mason. You don't go through what I passed through without changing. You don't get abused with scars all over without changing Mason! To think you're friends with a monster, to the person who did this to me!. You don't understand Mason. He ruined me. He ruined me for everyone! I can't move past this chapter of my life with these monsters in my head every f*cking time!" Avery yelled. She didn't care if she already caused a scene. She just wanted to vent the burden in her heart out.

"You see, no man would want a broken woman with scars all over her body Mason. I can not be loved. My parents did not want me, my husband did not want me, why on earth would anybody want me! So you see why 'I changed'" she mocked with tears all over her face.

She picked her things and bolted out of the restaurant not caring if she got soaked by the rain or not.

She ran and ran not even caring to see if she was going in the right direction or not.
All she wanted is to just disappear and reappear when everything is alright. She was tired of everyone looking at her like she was going to break anytime soon.

It wasn't until she saw headlights flash on her face did she stop walking. She froze.

She didn't see the car coming, hell she didn't even hear the sound of a car coming.

The car came to a screeching stop just directly in front her and immediately the driver rushed out.

"Miss! Miss, are you okay! Do you need the doc.."

Avery froze at the familiar man standing right in front of her.

"Miss, are... Jesus Avery" the shocked man whispered.

Avery could recognize that face anywhere and everywhere. He was more like the father she never had. The man who took care of her and accepted her when her own parents did not. It's Arnold!.

Her childhood family's Butler.

But if he's here that means... Her f-

"Arnold what's taking you so long, leave the rain" a male voice from the car interrupted.

As soon as Avery heard the voice, her blood ran cold and it confirmed her suspicion. 'It can't be' she chanted in her head. 'He's here'

"Avery" Arnold called out like he couldn't believe it was her.

Like Avery came to her senses, she picked up her bag that fell from the shock she had earlier and dashed backwards.

"What's keeping you there Arnold" the familiar voice called out again as he opened the door to see what was keeping his driver waiting.

As Avery tried to turn forward and escape, she collided with a hard metal surface. She fell down groaning in pain at the impact.

"I'm sorry madam are you hurt" the man she was trying to avoid asked as he got close to help her on her feet.

Her father.

"Avery!" Arnold yelled as he came out of the shock he was in and ran to help her up.

As soon as her eyes met her own eyes staring at her, she ignored the pain on her body and ran.
(You understand right? Avery has her fathers eyes)


Mr Newman was shocked to his bones as he saw his daughter. His long lost daughter.

His daughter his wife and himself tried to find for years.

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Take care and stay safe. The virus will be over soon.


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