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It was October 7th when the child of the richest man of the underworld was born.
An unwanted child. Unwanted in the way that his family hadn't wanted a child to be born into such a cruel world.
A ruthless world.
But they were not so low as to toss their child away. Afterall a child with their bloodline can be used.
So the child was kept hidden away from the world, separate from it's family.
Separate from the world.
This all happened the moment he was born.
And he heard it all.
||Age 4||
Yusumi was a strange child. So quite, so observant. They were precise, and their golden eyes were soft and kind.
Unlike a child.
Their hair was smooth and short. Well kept and not the slightest bit off.
To be fair, the Yusumi was never allowed outside of his "house" so there wasn't much reason to mess his hair up.
His house was more of a cottage in the middle of nowhere. He lived with a sparce amount of people. A nanny, a chef, and a butler.
All of them were highly trained members of the company ruled by Yusumi's father.
While ranging in age, all were quite talented. Yusumi watched them openly, as if to show he meant no harm and trust them.
He spent his years doing this.
||Age 7||
It's unnatural.
To be able to change his appearance however he wants- Yusumi was beginning to think this was the world of wizards and witches.
But no, it isn't. He was already aware what world this was the minute his hair turned black to light purple.
And when he was finally able to leave the cottage, only to find he lived near a suspiciously familiar residence with the house plate stating "Saiki" and ohmygoshhealmostscreamed-.
But back to changing his ability, Yusumi stared at his transformation with faint sadness.
A strikingly tall woman. Lanky yet full of courage. Her dark skin contrasting with her gleaming emerald eyes. She was decked out with a plethora of tiny braids pulled into a bun atop her head.
This was a person of the past.
This wasn't Yusumi.
Not anymore.
He shifted back. Yusumi didn't feel like using his powers anymore. And he didn't have clothes fitting of any other older than 7, and dress up is always the best part.
||Age 10||
Yusumi saw him from the distance. The pink haired boy stood out in a desolate countryside afterall.
The powerful boy noticed him the moment I thought of him. He stared my straight in the eyes and I just couldn't help but think as my nanny roughly pulled me back inside that his eyes were beautiful before my thoughts switch to how my nanny was purposely digging her nails into my wrist on purpose.
She was going to abuse me again.
Nobody will stop her anyways. Nobody finds out.
I don't tell anyone.
The next day my nanny never touched me again. She couldn't even look at me.
I have a feeling it was him... I will have to thank him. it's quite obvious what happened. Nobody knew. And the boy from yesterday...? The ability to read minds. Infact, hes probably reading my mind now.
There was a gift left at the old couple of Saiki's addressed to 'Pink haired boy' which drew confusion from the residence.
When said boy opened the box, he was met with a Coffee Jelly.
He'd never had it before.
But it quickly became his obsession.
||Age 13||
Yusumi was Abit sad about leaving the peaceful cottage. But the nanny wanted him gone and Yusumi needed to blend in and attend school.
It's sad his tradition of giving Kusuo coffee jelly when he visited was over. Yusumi will just have to leave him a letter with his grandparents.
Dear Pink haired boy,
I've been sent away to the cities to attend school, so I am unable to send you coffee jelly. Who knows, maybe we'll meet again? If I do let's meet face to face. It would be nice to be told your name. I'll make you some coffee jelly too.
~The Cottage Boy
Kusuo stared at the note left for him. That explains why he hadn't heard a single thought from that cottage. Still... He did hope to meet that boy again.

The boy did make the best coffee jelly afterall.
I spent a week before school started out in the city, disguised as an average looking teen boy. Why? To observe the trends of the people residing in this city.
One must fit in, and my stay in this city is being used as experience.
I figured out immediately that I would stand out. My body was built very feminine compared to most males. I would become a bishousen. So I decided I'd like to accentuate that so I shall attend school Transformed.
I figured I should aim for the role of a popular guy. Be nice, be smart, be everything.
I know how to cook.
I know how to clean.
I can tolerate anyone and treat them kindly even while they beat me.
I can smile.
I know how to dress.
I know things.
As predicted, Yusumi integrated himself as a perfect student. Popular, polite. The boy everyone loves.
The nicest boy.
Someone you would feel bad about hating.
Someone who attracts attention.
And attention is bad for someone with Yusumi's origins. Because soon enough people start snooping.
And soon enough Yusumi is stuck in a school shooting.
Because he was finally connected back to the underworld.
And now here we stood before his attackers, infront of his cowering class.
"What is it that you want of me? Surely you would've killed me by now if that was your aim." Yusumi was deathly calm. He was smiling, but it his eyes were cold, calculating, and deadly.
He felt the stares of his confused and frightened classmates. His sudden personality change didn't help.
The shooters were overconfident.
But one mustn't underestimate anyone.
"Your Mitarai Kai's brat, aren't ya? Your coming with us." The center lady spoke with an air of confidence and finality. She had already decided she won.
"And why would you need me?" Yusumi raised a brow, everything else in his expression the same. Except his eyes took a new gleam. Something knowing, something confident.
Something that if noticed, would've made anyone think twice.
But it went unnoticed.
"Our boss wants you... Says your bloodline would be useful." It was obviously what he was wanted for.
Yusumi could produce powerful children. Yusumi himself was a powerful pawn in the first place, as the only weakness his father could ever have was familial care. Which raises questions about his nanny choices, but Yasumi wasn't one to judge.
"Sadly, I won't be going anywhere with you." And thus Yusumi was shot.
Not like it mattered, since all his attackers were floored.
And no, Yusumi did not kill them. Simply used a taze-gun and non-lethal poison.
Yusumi ended up moving. After the shooting incident, his father deemed his location unsafe and had him move.
Seeing as Yusumi took care of his attackers, Mitarai Kai grudgingly allowed his son to live alone and choose his school and information.
His father already knew of his strange ability to change his appearance.
And that's all he knew.
And of course Yusumi decided what highschool he wanted.
This was all on purpose. He wasn't about to miss the action.
And besides...
He did say in his goodbye letter to Kusuo he would make him coffee jelly when they met again.
And Yusumi wanted to see Kusuo again.
Because he wanted to talk about their abilities.
Not because he liked the strange boy or anything.
Okay! We got everything summarized to the point of entering highschool!
Yep, they met though Kusuo's visits to his grandparents. I thought it would be a cute way for a relationship to form.
Also, I'm cringing at my own story. The plot is so contradicting.
This is not a serious story, Characters will be OOC, and yes I'm not good at formatting stories.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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