Start from the beginning

Blowing a raspberry in his general direction, I pulled out my new wallet, which Scrit had offered me as a bonus. Pulling out the exact amount, I held it out to him in offering.
"I don't really feel like tricking anyone into whatever that is. Just take this. As for Rigby-Clam, or whatever her name is, I guess I can try to mention it to him, but he doesn't really like listening to me."

Handling my cash like it was poison, Leviathan stared at me, looking like he wanted to chew me up and spit me out into the trash.
"Ruri-Chan. It's Ruri-Chan." He muttered, shoving the grimm into his pocket. "Whatever. I should have known a human like you would waste my time. Now, get out of my room. I've gotta live stream in ten..."

It was frustrating that he hadn't thanked me for paying off Mammon's debt, but I didn't dare say it. Instead, I just allowed him to usher me out of his room, slightly flinching when the door slammed behind me.

Well, demons aren't supposed to be super friendly, I guess...Still, that was most of my savings. It'll take longer to pay Mammon back for the uniform now...

Not wanting to bore myself to death with more homework, I decided to waltz on over to the kitchen, finding Mammon and, unsurprisingly, Beelzebub.
"You can't keep eating all the ingredients, Beel!" The platinum haired demon scolded, smacking at his brother with a tea towel. "This is why we always have to order in when it's your turn to cook! My pockets can't handle that every week!"

I couldn't help but giggle as I witnessed the exchange, and Beelzebub just munching away without a care made it that much funnier to me. The ginger noticed my presence, nodding his head once.
"Yo, (Y/N)." Mammon turned to acknowledge me, too, but didn't say anything, just kinda glaring.

"I'm procrastinating at the moment, so want me to take the reigns?" I asked, already reaching for the recipe book the pair had sitting upon the bench.
"Do you ever just, I dunno, relax?" Mammon quirked a brow, again looking at me like I was otherworldly, which I guess I kind of was to him.

"Nah, if I sit around with nothing to do I start thinking, and that's just asking for trouble." I replied truthfully, relieved to see that the meal for the night didn't involve any parasites.
"It's crispy fried angler fish." Beelzebub stated, having to wipe the drool from his mouth.

Humming to myself, I pulled the chopping board away from him, kind of glad that he had already done most of the work taking the bones out and chopping it up. There was a fair bit missing, but hey, he tried.
"Creepy lightbulb fish? Righto, then! Uh, Mammon, could you..." I trailed off, recalling that he hadn't even wanted to help me serve up the last time. "On second thought, nevermind. I'll finish this up, then whip up some sauce and salad before throwing it on to cook."

The click of the refrigerator door caught my ear, and when I looked up, Mammon was rummaging around in the crisper, sunglasses lifted to sit on top of his head.
"I'll deal with the salad. Just do your thing and keep that glutton from scarfing all the ingredients..."

Well, this is a pleasant surprise...

It was easier said than done. Beelzebub truly lived up to the sin he claimed, trying everything in his power to sneak food without us knowing. Eventually, I decided that enough was enough, and grabbed out a tub of cherry tomatoes, beginning to periodically toss them into his hungry mouth.

Mammon joined in, and it became a game, which lead to smooth sailing for the rest of the meal prep and cooking.
"Okay, everything looks good here!" I cheered, leaning against the bench and wiping a little bit of crumbing batter from my cheek. "If you guys wanna call your brothers down, we can dig in!"

Mammon already had his DDD to his ear, starting to pace across the length of the kitchen.
"On it. I'm starved." I felt like we had done a good job, and I was glad that my supposed babysitter seemed to be warming up, just a little. Things would be a heck of a lot easier if we became friends, but I knew that was wishful thinking.

PLEONEXIA - Mammon x Reader x SatanWhere stories live. Discover now