🥀🌻mythical creatures🌻🥀

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This is pretty self explanatory so which mythical creature would they be. At this point there is no need for me to say that they get a collage too. All of the descriptions are from A Field Guide to Fantastical Beasts by Orlento Salaperäinien. They have all been paraphrased by me. If you like mythical beings go and read the book.

WillDemon - in classic mythology demons were spirits neither good nor evil

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Demon - in classic mythology demons were spirits neither good nor evil. To distinguish them from the malevolent modern definition it is either spelt daimon (Greek) or daemon (Latin) both just mean spirit. They became linked to fallen angels through Christianity. Chief among these is the angel Lucifer (Light Bearer), who defied God and and was thrown out of heaven.

George Ghost - they are visible or invisible, transparent or solid, floating or walking: ghosts come in many guises, all of them unnerving to behold

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Ghost - they are visible or invisible, transparent or solid, floating or walking: ghosts come in many guises, all of them unnerving to behold. They are the spirits or souls of the deceased: what remains when the body has ceased to function. The origin of the word "ghost" comes simply from an old Germanic word for "spirit" or "soul"

AlexVampire - they are the immortal undead, dead but refusing to lie down and die, who pray on human victims

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Vampire - they are the immortal undead, dead but refusing to lie down and die, who pray on human victims. They use their sharp fangs to pierce their victims necks and drink their blood this allows the vampire to "live" another day and turns the victim into a vampire too.

 They use their sharp fangs to pierce their victims necks and drink their blood this allows the vampire to "live" another day and turns the victim into a vampire too

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Werewolf - half man and half wolf, the name literally means "man-wolf" in Old English, werewolves can look perfectly normal when in their human form. But once a month, beneath a full moon, their skin becomes bristly, their fangs and claws come out and they stalk in the shadows hunting for fresh meat.

 But once a month, beneath a full moon, their skin becomes bristly, their fangs and claws come out and they stalk in the shadows hunting for fresh meat

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Pixie - they are a species of fairy like creatures who are Native to Devon and Cornwall in the South West of England. They are small, nimble and full of joy. They are normally kind to humans but they are very mischievous and that could lead to clashes.

Fraser Angel - they exist in many of the major world religions and are usually depicted as divine messengers

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Angel - they exist in many of the major world religions and are usually depicted as divine messengers. Their name comes from the Ancient Greek angelos ("messenger"). More often than not they are humanoid but winged, an acknowledgement of their function as go-betweens from heaven to Earth. Traditionally, angels transport the souls of the earthly dead to heaven. However popular belief suggests that the angels are the souls of the earthly dead.

LewisWizard - they have a variety of names such as mages, sorcerers, enchanters and conjurers

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Wizard - they have a variety of names such as mages, sorcerers, enchanters and conjurers. They perform spells that are akin to magic. They are often paired with witches however both have very different functions. Wizards perform spells to help and save lives. The word "wizard" is derived from "wise".

JoshElf - he is a light elf they are pale coloured and more beautiful than the sun and they live in a blissful paradise called Alfheimr (the inspiration for J

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Elf - he is a light elf they are pale coloured and more beautiful than the sun and they live in a blissful paradise called Alfheimr (the inspiration for J.R.R Tolkien's Elvenhome). The distinction between angelic and subterranean elves matches the Seelie (blessed) Unseelie (wicked) courts of Scottish fairy legend, the folk law equivalents of heaven and hell.

Thanks for reading

Hester xx

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